How to contact UNHCR

UNHCR Field Posts

UNHCR will continue to attend to all Field Posts in Kakuma and Kalobeyei. However, Monday and Tuesday are for enrolment only, Wednesday and Thursday are for counselling. Due to unavoidable circumstances, we will not have counselling on Fridays. Counselling bookings can be made through KASI. Please approach your nearest Field Post to make an appointment for counselling through KASI.  

On the day of your appointment, please come to the Field Post with the minimum number of people from your household. This is to avoid overcrowding and maintain social distancing. 

Updates on Resettlement activities and submissions can be accessed through KASI, which does not require booking for counseling. For applicants who have been interviewed for resettlement, please refer to Resettlement for further information.

Contact UNHCR via Phone or Email

You can contact UNHCR directly via an email address for refugees and asylum seekers registered in Kakuma and Kalobeyei: [email protected]. You can also contact UNHCR’s country-wide Helpline under 1517 (toll-free) or [email protected].

When you send us an email, please include:

  1. Your concern; 
  2. Your individual registration number;
  3. Your telephone number and address.

Feel free to contact us in any language you are comfortable with! Interpreters will assist us to translate your email confidentially.

Emails are being checked by the UNHCR Protection Team on a daily basis from Monday to Friday during working hours (8am to 6pm).

If your concern can be answered immediately, UNHCR will respond in writing via email. If your case needs to be referred to a specific unit, you will be notified accordingly, either by email or SMS message. After referral to a specific unit or partner, please wait to be contacted by UNHCR and/or partner.

Due to the high volume of emails we receive on a daily basis, we will do our best to answer any email within three days. If your case was referred to a specific unit, please be patient and be sure we are putting all efforts into reaching you as soon as we can.

See also

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