Complementary Pathways

All services provided by UNHCR and its partners are free of charge!

High volume Suspension of resettlement and Welcome Corps case processing and travel to the U.S. (click to see the details).

The new U.S. Administration has announced a suspension of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP). This suspension includes resettlement to the U.S. and the Welcome Corps private sponsorship program. The USRAP has been suspended on 27 January 2025, until further notice. No refugee travel will occur after midnight on 26 January 2025. The suspension also covers the processing of cases, meaning the U.S. will not conduct interviews or issue decisions while the suspension is in effect.

Please be careful of possible scams and fraudulent messages or offers. Actors may seek to take advantage of this situation. Always keep in mind:

  • Anyone who claims to be able to help you with resettlement or the Welcome Corps in exchange for money or other favours may be a fraudster. Do not believe anyone who tells you they can help you depart Egypt more quickly or expedite your case. This is not true.
  • Do not trust messages related to the status of your resettlement case, your Welcome Corps application, or your travel unless officially communicated by U.S. authorities, the RSC, or IOM.
  • UNHCR will never ask you to pay for services under any circumstances.
  • UNHCR does not charge money or any kind of fee at any stage of the resettlement process.
  • If you have any doubt about the person contacting you, please contact UNHCR at [email protected].

I have an application with the Welcome Corps private sponsorship program, how does this suspension effect my application? (click here for details).

  • Travel to the U.S. through the Welcome Corps program has been suspended, and applications will face significant delays, potentially for the next four years.
  • The suspension will impact Welcome Corps travel (for those already approved) and case processing (for those waiting for an interview or decision).
  • The Welcome Corps is run by the U.S. government and is not a UNHCR program. UNHCR does not nominate candidates for the Welcome Corps and cannot influence applications in any way.
  • Stay informed about the status of your Welcome Corps application through your sponsors or Information for Refugees – Welcome Corps applications.
  • The Resettlement Support Center will only contact you via their approved email or phone numbers. If anyone claims to be able to influence the processing of your case or asks you for money or favours in exchange for services, or if anyone you do not trust contacts you claiming to be a sponsor, report this to the Welcome Corps at [email protected].

Complementary pathways are safe and regulated avenues that complement resettlement and by which refugees may be admitted to a country and have their international protection needs met while they support themselves to potentially reach a sustainable and lasting solution.

Complementary pathways are distinct and additional to resettlement. Third countries establish competitive criteria and decide who is admitted to their territories. Complementary pathways differ from UNHCR-managed resettlement programs. Unlike resettlement, UNHCR does not actively process refugees for complementary pathways, but takes on a coordination role with other stakeholders rolling out various programs.

Refugees and asylum seekers can directly apply for pathway opportunities with the relevant countries, and a UNHCR referral is not always required. Admission for complementary pathways is based on existing immigration laws, an applicant’s skills, or links in the third country.

The Governments of the receiving countries often establish competitive criteria for acceptance to complementary pathways; they are the sole decision maker on who enters and stays on their territories. UNHCR cannot influence third countries’ decisions on admission to complementary pathways opportunities and is not always informed of the application status.

Pathway opportunities may include the below:

  1. Family Reunification
  2. Labour Mobility Pathways
  3. Education Pathways
  4. Private Sponsorship Pathways

1. Family Reunification

The protection of family unity is an important human right. Family reunification brings together family members living in different countries.

Family reunification is when dependent family members such as children, spouses, and parents are brought together after a period of separation. In general, family reunification is possible for child/parent and husband/wife relationships, if the family member is residing legally in a country in Europe, North America, or Australia. Third countries have established procedures to allow family reunification through special immigration routes. But there are exceptions to this, and every country has different requirements. Family reunification programs, applications, and procedures vary depending on the country of the family reunification application.  UNHCR can assist with this process, which is guided by each country’s Immigration Law.

**Family reunification programs are restricted to immediate, dependent family members ( spouse or minor children). Extended and non-dependent relatives (adult children, siblings, grandparents, cousins, etc.) are unlikely to be eligible for reunification through these pathways.

**Unaccompanied and separated children with immediate or extended family (adult children, adult siblings, and aunts/uncles/grandparents) can be still considered for family reunification in certain countries of destinations.

Who is eligible for Family Reunification?

Family reunification is ONLY initiated by the family member abroad once they have a qualifying legal status in the third country. Depending on the country, the legal statuses include (recognized refugees, complementary protection holders, permanent residents, or citizens).

Some countries have strict timeframes for family reunification applications. In some countries, the family member abroad may only have a few months to apply for family reunification after receiving the refugee or temporary protection status. Family reunification applications submitted after this strict timeframe might need additional requirements from the sponsor abroad to prove sufficient income, language proficiency, and housing capacity to host the family member before the family reunification application. These requirements are imposed by the third countries and may vary based on the country’s Immigration Law.

How long would it take for the country to process the Family Reunification application?

Family reunification procedures can be very lengthy and require patience. Some processes may take up to several years for the third country’s decision. As these are separate applications between applicants and the third country that are independent from UNHCR’s procedures, UNHCR Egypt is not able to provide updates on family reunification applications.

What are the requirements for Family Reunification?

Family reunification procedures differ from one country to another. Some countries may require that the sponsoring relative member in the third country provide proof of income and demonstrate that they have a large enough living space to welcome their family members. Some countries also have language proficiency requirements that must be met before a visa to be issued. These requirements are imposed by the third country and UNHCR cannot intervene to waive or ease such requirements.

Some countries may request a DNA test to prove the biological relationship with the family member in the third country applying for family reunification.

How much costs the family reunification application?

Some family reunification programs may cost money for refugees, asylum seekers, and their sponsoring relatives, including (the application fees, DNA testing fees, visa fees, medical exams, and costs of flight tickets). **It is important to confirm the fees through official government and Embassy websites before paying the fees**.

Which countries have family reunification programmes for refugees?

Dedicated refugee family reunification procedures exist in most countries.  For more information on country-specific criteria and how to apply, please go to the family reunification section for the destination country of the UNHCR help website:

If you are seeking information about a family reunification program in a country that is not listed on the UNHCR’s help website, please search for “family reunification” on the government website of the related country.

Family Reunification Programmes:



Canadian program focuses on the Family-based permanent residence pathway for people affected by the conflict in Sudan.





Who can help you in the Family Reunification process?

If you are a refugee or asylum-seeker in Egypt, aiming to reunite with a family member(s) residing legally in a third country in (Europe, North America, Australia), the sponsor family member in the third country should initiate the family reunification application abroad, while UNHCR may be able to help connect you and your family abroad to a lawyer through our network of offices abroad. This is dependent on the country of the intended destination.

Once you and your relative file an application for family reunification in the third country, there is no guarantee that your case will be approved. The process can be long and there are usually many documents to provide and interviews to attend.

UNHCR cannot advise on timelines for individual family reunification programs. UNHCR can assist with file closure, help successful applicants, who received visas to obtain exit permits to depart Egypt and anything you might need during the exit formalities process.

You can contact UNHCR regarding Family Reunification at: [email protected]   

**If you do not know where your family is, or you cannot contact them, you can contact the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) for assistance:

2. Labour Mobility Pathways

“Labour Mobility Scheme” in UNHCR


Labour Mobility schemes are programs through which refugees and asylum seekers with particular professions or skills can apply for employment opportunities in third countries.

Third-country employment opportunities are safe and regulated avenues for entry and stay in Third countries for employment based on a job offer, with the right to either permanent or temporary residence and meeting their international protection needs.

Employment opportunities empower refugees to utilize their skills and qualifications to provide for themselves and their families while directly contributing to their new communities. Employment pathways are driven by labor market shortages in third countries. Employment opportunities might, but do not have to, also facilitate visas for your immediate, dependent family (including spouses and minor children).

What are the requirements to apply for employment pathways?

Employment pathways are highly competitive programs with specific eligibility requirements. These requirements may vary depending on the specific industry, the needs of the employer, and the immigration laws of the receiving country.

Employment pathways usually require English language (intermediate to advanced) or any other language and certifications from internationally recognized English language tests.

Refugees interested in pursuing employment pathways are strongly recommended to work on their language proficiency. Some jobs may also require a university degree and proven work experience.

How Can I Benefit from the Labour Mobility?

UNHCR is partnering with Talent Beyond Boundaries (TBB) and TalentLift Canada, which connects employers with skilled refugees, to give displaced people a chance to rebuild their careers and lives in another country.

Talent Beyond Boundaries” is an international organization that administers a talent catalog of highly skilled refugees and works with employers to match skilled refugees with a variety of job opportunities in Third countries. Talent Beyond Boundaries connects refugees with job opportunities in Canada, Australia, the UK, the USA, and Europe. Talent Beyond Boundaries will review the applications and only consider candidates that match the employers’ requests.

“TalentLift Canada hosts a roster of skilled individuals, whom they match with employers, and extend support to both the employer and refugees throughout the hiring process. TalentLift offers job opportunities solely in Canada.

**Registering on TBB or TalentLift Canada catalogues does not mean that you will be matched or selected for a job. You will only be matched with a job if your profile, skills, and background match available opportunities from employers in third countries**

There is no guarantee to be selected. It is also possible to apply directly for existing available positions that can be found below **.

**Employment pathways are highly competitive** To register your profile on the talent catalogues of TBB or TalentLift, please visit their websites. While applying, please ensure accurate and full information. Inaccurate or incomplete applications may not be considered.

1) Talent Beyond Boundaries (TBB): 

Talent Catalog Registration Guide – Arabic
Talent Catalog Registration Guide – English
Candidate’s Guide to TBB – Arabic
Candidate’s Guide to TBB – English
Overview Brochure – Arabic
Overview Brochure – English
Process Overview Video – English
TBB Candidate Success Stories Video – English

2) TalentLift:

How to improve the chances for Labour Mobility consideration?

English language skills remain a significant barrier for refugees to access employment pathways. Interested applicants are strongly encouraged to work on their English language skills, with plenty of online learning opportunities.

Talent Beyond Boundaries Language Learning Resources includes helpful courses for those registered in the talent catalogue and information on test preparation.

The British Council has an online course to help familiarize you with the IELTS test:

Applicants also might need to enhance their skills such, as Curriculum Vitae (CV) and interview preparation should they be matched for a job.

Talent Beyond Boundaries and CV and TalentLift Canada Interview and CVs Resources: Please review the following links.

Employment Pathways Programs:

There are many opportunities for online learning through resources like Coursera, and LinkedIn. For more information, please visit Talent Beyond Boundaries Employment Resources page.

If you have successfully secured a job abroad, but have questions – please reach out to Talent Beyond Boundaries through [email protected]  or, for employment in Canada only, TalentLift [email protected]


3. Education Pathways

Education pathways are higher education opportunities through which refugees and asylum seekers are admitted to a third country. Access of the refugees and asylum seekers to these opportunities is based on their education and language skills.

Education opportunities offered through such pathways should allow for a long-term solution through a regular migration system or asylum system in the new country instead of short-term study and scholarship programmes. Education opportunities and scholarships are limited and remain highly competitive.

Education opportunities often have strict requirements for acceptance based on an applicant’s educational background and language proficiency. Education opportunities are often reserved for candidates within certain age ranges. In most countries, student visas are only provided for the students themselves, and dependent family members (including spouses and minor children) cannot be included.

It is important to thoroughly examine the requirements of each scholarship before applying. If you are interested in exploring academic or scholarship opportunities abroad verified by UNHCR, click here.

Some frequently available scholarships for refugees:


4. Private Sponsorship Pathways

Private sponsorship programs provide individuals, groups of individuals or organizations with an opportunity to sponsor refugees and asylum seekers to come to their country and offer them protection and a new home.

In private sponsorship, the sponsors directly engage in the efforts to admit displaced persons in their country. They are the ones identifying, selecting, and supporting the entry and stay of people in need of international protection, who are not referred by UNHCR.

Sponsors can freely choose whom to support, the individuals sponsored most often include nuclear or/ extended family members of the sponsors or people known to the community.

**UNHCR does not nominate individuals or families for sponsorships and cannot influence or interfere with the sponsorship process in any way**

Available sponsorship pathways include the Canadian Sponsorship Programme, the United States Welcome Corps Sponsorship Programme, and the Australian Special Humanitarian Sponsorship Programme.

For more information on each sponsorship program and its requirements, please follow the links below:

  1. Canadian Sponsorship Program
  2. Australia’s Special Humanitarian Sponsorship Program
  3. American Sponsorship Program (Welcome Corps)