Child Protection

All services provided by UNHCR and its partners are free of charge!

Are you under 18 years old, and here in Egypt without your parents or relatives? Are you a child and are facing harm or violence from someone?

If you answered yes to one of these questions, you can reach out directly to the Child Protection unit for support through the functional email ([email protected])

Contact UNHCR hotline: 0227390400
Working hours:

Sunday – Wednesday: 08:15 am – 3:00 pm
Thursday 08:15 am– 12:00 pm

I am an unaccompanied or separated child. What services are available to help me?

UNHCR work together with different organizations to provide support for children facing harm or risks, including unaccompanied and separated children. This includes help from an individual caseworker to support with health, education, and general wellbeing.

You can find all the details in this flyer: English | Arabic

If you are unaccompanied or separated child (living in Egypt without parents, and possibly family members), and were notified by your case worker that you are entitled to receiving cash assistance as a support for your basic needs.

Please bear in mind the following modalities for disbursement:

  • If you are 16 or 17 years old, you will receive your monthly cash assistance through the Post Office, using the UNHCR Card. The Post Office’s working hours are from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm, Sunday to Thursday and you can approach the nearest Post Office in your area.
  • If you are 15 years old or younger,  the case worker will  send you a SMS with information on your appointment date in order to receive your cash from Caritas Office in Garden City.

If you face any challenges collecting the assistance, contact your caseworker or UNHCR at [email protected]