Food Assistance

All services provided by UNHCR and its partners are free of charge!

Who is entitled to receive WFP assistance?

In general, eligibility to receive WFP assistance is determined through the targeting process, which depends on multiple sources of information, including information available when you register with UNHCR, and sometimes information collected in assessment interviews.

The decision considers several combined factors, including the financial situation, the number of family members, ease of obtaining other assistance, special needs, protection risks, medical conditions, among many other factors.

Then, all cases are compared to identify the most vulnerable families, which fall below the poverty line and are most exposed to protection-related risks. It is these vulnerable families who are then identified and supported by WFP.

How can I register for WFP assistance?

For food assistance

Refugees eligible to receive WFP’s food assistance are identified by UNHCR (those that are assessed and identified as most vulnerable) and the assistance lists are shared with WFP.

For nutrition assistance for pregnant and nursing women

Refugee mothers of children under the age of 2 or pregnant refugee women can register for WFP nutrition assistance once applications are open and posted the WFP Facebook page (link here).

Refugee women eligible to receive WFP’s nutrition assistance are also identified by UNHCR (those that are assessed and identified as most vulnerable) and the assistance lists are shared with WFP.

*Currently, the application for this nutrition assistance is closed.

For the Food for Training programme

When available, application links for the Food for Training programme are advertised on the WFP Facebook page (link here), through Community Leaders and WFP partners. Applications are open for all refugees and host community members.

The selection criteria for each type of course will differ based on a criterion that is relevant to the field of expertise of each course or training.

*Currently, the application for the food for training programme is closed.

What kind of assistance does WFP offer to refugees?

WFP offers 3 kinds of assistance to refugees living in Egypt. These are:

Food assistance

WFP’s food assistance for refugees is a cash transfer per person that can be redeemed at partner retail stores or in cash from over 140,000 points of sale nationwide via the personal beneficiary card.

This assistance is provided every month to refugees who are identified as most vulnerable (please refer to question 2 on targeting criteria for more information on the vulnerability criteria).

More details on the redemption process are communicated to beneficiaries in person and via their registered contact information when receiving this assistance for the first time.

Nutrition assistance for pregnant and nursing women

WFP provides cash transfers every month to pregnant and nursing refugee women (of infants under 2 years of age) to be redeemed at partner retail stores or in cash via personal beneficiary card from over 140,000 points of sale nationwide. Awareness sessions on nutrition are also provided to promote proper nutrition and wellbeing of the assisted mothers and their young children.

Food for Training programme

WFP provides resilience-building activities, promoting social cohesion among vulnerable refugees and host-community members. Together, WFP and its partners provide vocational trainings in different areas of work.

The aim of the programme is to support refugees and host community members in gaining the needed qualifications and certifications to earn an income.

Upon attendance of 80% of the monthly course-cycle, participants receive monthly cash assistance in place of any income they may have foregone during their participation in the programme.

*However, due to lack of funding, WFP’s food for training programme is currently halted until additional funding becomes available. Once the programme is resumed, beneficiaries will be notified via WFP’s Facebook page (link here), UNHCR’s livelihood working group and refugee community leaders.

How can I contact WFP in Egypt?

WFP is not able to receive beneficiaries at their offices. You should call the hotline number (below) or refer to the WFP Facebook page (below) for any inquiries.

WFP Hotline: 0225299830 / 01023646706   |   Toll-free number: 08005555222

WFP Facebook page for refugee assistance:

On the Facebook page WFP announces:

  • the dates for the redemption of WFP refugee assistance
  • information on any changes related to the redemption process
  • information on how to redeem WFP refugee assistance
  • applications for various WFP refugee assistance activities
  • links to appeal portals
  • warnings against fake messages or false information

How will I know if I have been selected to receive WFP assistance?

If selected for any form of WFP assistance you will be notified of your selection and entitlements through your registered contact details.

How can I submit a complaint?

You can send any complaint you have through a direct message on our Facebook page (link here), and we will respond to you within 48 hours.

Is WFP continuing to provide food vouchers to Refugees and Asylum Seekers?

WFP continues its support to vulnerable refugees and asylum seekers. We understand how important our assistance is and that vulnerable refugees and asylum seekers are dependent on it to secure food for their families.

Is it true that WFP will be suspending its assistance to some refugees?

WFP is facing a funding shortfall and as a result is forced to exclude some beneficiaries that have been deemed to be not among the most vulnerable. Beneficiaries who have not withdrawn their food assistance for three consecutive months were also excluded. To ensure optimal use of available funding, priority is given to providing food assistance to the most vulnerable groups and groups facing severe protection risks.

How do you decide on who is eligible to receive WFP assistance?

In general, eligibility to receive food aid is determined through the targeting process, which depends on multiple sources of information, including information available when you register with UNHCR, and sometimes information collected in assessment interviews. The decision takes into account several combined factors, including the financial situation, the number of family members, ease of obtaining other assistance, special needs, protection risks, medical conditions, among many other factors. Then, all cases are compared to identify the most vulnerable families, which fall below the poverty line and are more exposed to protection-related risks than others.

The World Food Programme will continue to provide food assistance to those most vulnerable.

Cases that will be excluded are those least vulnerable, who are above the poverty line, do not face protection risks, and can secure their minimum food needs. They were identified based on a comprehensive review of the information database available from 2014.

To be able to assist as many families as possible, WFP will be applying a ceiling of 5 members per family to the assistance provided. Additional family members will be removed off the assistance cards. (For example a family consisting of a father, mother and five children will only receive assistance equivalent to that of 5 people.)

If WFP gets more funds will you be increasing the numbers of those you assist once again?

WFP is always eager to support as many people as possible but will always remain committed to support those most vulnerable cases. We are continuously working to mobilize resources and with more funds we are able to reach more people who need our support. However, it is important to note that WFP receiving more funds does not mean your automatic re-inclusion on our assistance lists.