Forced displacement is a major disruption in people’s lives. We know you have experienced loss, pain, disruption and violence in your countries of origin, in transit and in your country of asylum. All these can increase your vulnerability to developing mental health and psychosocial problems. It is normal to feel sad, distressed, worried, confused, scared or angry during such times.
We know you have the strength within you, within your family and community to overcome these challenges and emerge stronger.
If you are feeling extremely sad, not able to sleep at night, if you get easily startled, have intrusive thoughts in form of nightmares and night terrors, if you constantly feel angry and irritable, that life has lost meaning and feel like you want to hurt yourself, try the following:
- Talk to people you trust: Contact your friends and family and support one another.
- Talk to a health worker, social worker, community volunteers, or another trusted person in your community (e.g., religious leader or community elder).
- Draw on skills that you have used in the past during difficult times to manage your emotions during this time.
- You can access mental health services at health facilities throughout Kakuma and Kalobeyei.
You are not alone: Your family needs you: Your Community needs you: Tomorrow needs you! Call the below numbers for psychosocial support.
Health Care Providers
AIC: Provides primary health care services including mental health and psychosocial support. Contact: AIC 0800720845, Nalemsekon Dispensary: 0702637769; Naregae Dispensary 0745330015
IRC: Offers pharmacological treatment to all neurological, mental and substance abuse disorders in all our 5 health facilities. If you are experiencing stressful moments of life, IRC psychologists will take them through psychosocial counselling on appointments. Contact: 0800720605
KRCS: Provides primary health care including psychosocial and pharmacological interventions for clients in distress in Kalobeyei. Tracing services to link families are also provided. Ambulance number: 0707173515.
Partners Offering Specific Support
AAR Japan: Provision of Psychosocial Support in in two secondary schools in Kalobeyei settlement and one secondary school in host community. Contact: 0800720697.
CVT: Provision direct care for survivors of torture and war trauma through mental health and psychosocial support in psychotherapy and specialized physical therapy services to manage pain or other forms of impairment caused by torture and war trauma. These services are delivered mainly as an in-person group intervention.
DRC: Provision of psychosocial support for children, adults, GBV survivors and Persons with Specific Needs (PWDs, unaccompanied elderly, persons with mental illness) in Kakuma refugee camps and Kalobeyei settlement. Contact: 0800720414.
HI: Provides rehabilitative services, including provision of mobility assistance and psychosocial support services to persons with disabilities in Kalobeyei settlement, Kakuma and host community. They also provide inclusive education in Kakuma and Kalobeyei, and support disability inclusive development creating livelihood linkages so persons with disabilities. Contact: 0740875416.
LWF: Offer psychosocial support to learners in schools in Kakuma & Host community, and counselling services to the Youth in Kakuma camp and Kalobeyei settlement.
IsraAid: Offers psychosocial first aid to caregivers and children. This is in the form of basic counselling for a minimum of three sessions. Contact: 0712827444.
WIK: Provides education for girls and boys and psychosocial support for students. Contact: 0800720386.
Name of Camp/Village | Agency Present |
Kakuma 1 | IRC, IsraAid, HI, DRC, WIK, LWF |
Kakuma 2 | IsraAid, HI, AIC, DRC, WIK, LWF |
Kakuma 3 | IRC, IsraAid, HI, AIC, DRC, WIK, LWF |
Kakuma 4 | IRC, IsraAid, HI, DRC, WIK, LWF |
Kalobeyei Village 1 | IsraAid, HI, AAR, DRC, KRCS, WIK |
Kalobeyei Village 2 | IsraAid, HI, AIC, CVT, AAR, DRC, KRCS, WIK |
Kalobeyei Village 3 | HI, AIC, CVT, AAR, DRC, KRCS, WIK |
Host | LWF |
Nadapal | LWF |