
Brazilian Law provides a more severe punishment for domestic violence against women under the “Lei Maria da Penha” (the Maria da Penha Law), Law Nº 11.340/2006, which concerns physical, psychological, sexual, patrimonial and moral violence against women of any age. The law also provides protection for female victims of domestic violence by offering urgent protective measures and referring them to care, assistance, monitoring, and shelter services, if necessary.

My partner/husband is aggressive with me. I suffer physical, psychological, sexual and/or moral threats constantly. What can I do?

Report the incident. There are Specialized Police Stations for Women, with professionals trained to serve women victims of violence. However, it is possible to file a complaint at any Police Station or at the Public Defender’s Office. After filing the report, you should inform the police if any protective measures are necessary and also if you are interested in initiating criminal proceedings against the perpetrator. Video recordings, audio or photos help a lot in the process. The judge will have 48 hours to apply protective measures, which may be extended to children and dependents of women victims of violence.

You can also report domestic violence situations through the Women’s Hotline (Central de Atendimento à Mulher) by calling the number 180. The complaint is anonymous and free, available 24/7, nationwide.

Assistance Hotlines

  • 180: “Central de Atendimento à Mulher” (Women’s Helpline) – Free, 24/7 service that provides support and advises women who are victims of violence.
  • 181: Crime Reporting Hotline
  • 190: “Polícia Militar” (Military Police)
  • 100: Human Rights Violations Hotline
    * In addition to the number 100, you can file a complaint through the site by filling out an online form.
  • To find out which police station is closest to you, it is important to consult the website of the police station of the state you are in.
  • MOPS – open access portal that gathers and organizes information on the availability of services, public facilities and social programs identified in municipalities, microregions and states in the country.
  • Casa da Mulher Brasileira is a space that integrates different specialized services that address the most diverse types of violence against women. Check the website of the house in the city where you are.

For more information, please refer to the section on safety and visit the website of the Brazilian Secretariat of Policies for Women.

List of Women Reference Centres in Brazil

Please refer to the following website for a list of Women reference centres in Brazil.

Voice your courage!

This is a primer on domestic violence aimed at migrant and refugee women. It was prepared by the Brazilian Portuguese extension project for Humanitarian Migration of the Federal University of Paraná (PBMIH – UFPR), by the Human Rights Observatory Extension Project and by the Caritas Brasileira Regional Paraná with the support of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees – UNHCR. The material is available in 6 languages (Portuguese, Arabic, English, Spanish, Haitian and French).

To open the poster, just click on the corresponding image.

            PORTUGUESE                                          HAITIAN                                                  FRENCH                                                     SPANISH








                  ENGLISH                                                      ARABIC

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