Complementary Pathways (Education and Immigration Opportunities Abroad)

UNHCR is dedicated to assisting refugees in Kakuma to access complementary pathways for admission to third countries, including education opportunities, employment opportunities (labor mobility), family reunification, sponsorships, and humanitarian visas.

Complementary pathways offer safe and regulated avenues for refugees, providing a lawful stay in a third country where their international protection needs are met. These pathways are additional to resettlement.

To be considered for these opportunities, it’s important to ensure that your family, education, and skills data are accurately updated with UNHCR. You can schedule an appointment with the Department of Refugee Secretariat (DRS) at Field Post 2 or write to UNHCR for assistance.

If you need help or have questions about complementary pathways, please contact us at [email protected].

If you are looking for information on third-country scholarships, please visit the below site:

All of UNHCR’s services are free of charge. You can read more about this here.

Family Reunification

Different countries have various family reunification schemes and procedures. If you wish to reunite with a family member in a third country, learn about that country’s family reunification process. This information is typically available on the Ministry of Interior’s website or through organizations like the Red Cross and ICRC.

Please note that family reunification schemes can be complex, with stringent requirements and conditions. It’s crucial to understand the specific rules of the third country’s scheme. While UNHCR Sub-Office Kakuma cannot provide this information, seeking legal assistance from a migration law specialist in the third country can be beneficial.

UNHCR Sub-Office Kakuma may assist with documentation in Kenya. For support, contact us at [email protected].

Education and Scholarship Opportunities Abroad

Education and scholarship opportunities are announced in the camps by various providers, UNHCR, Durable Solutions – Complementary Pathways, education partners, and through schools using flyers, social media, local radio stations, community leaders, SIKIKA, and notice boards.

Scholarship programs such as WUSC, Mastercard scholarships, UNICORE, and Habesha/DIME are announced annually in Kakuma and Kalobeyei. Eligibility requirements vary, and relevant information will be communicated by the scholarship providers.

For information on third-country scholarships, visit: link

Employment Opportunities Abroad

Information on labour mobility projects is announced by providers, UNHCR, Durable Solutions – Complementary Pathways, and livelihood partners using various channels including WhatsApp communication trees, FilmAid, and local radio stations. Calls for Applications will also be posted.

Currently, main partners in labor mobility opportunities include Refugepoint under the EMPP programs and WUSC HIRES. Keep an eye out for Call for Applications and submit your application if interested.


Current Opportunities - Calls for Applications

Economic Mobility Project

RefugePoint is pleased to announce an outreach for applications from refugees in Kenya to pursue opportunities under Canada’s economic migration pathways. Profiles of applicants meeting the programs’ criteria will be shared with potential employers in Canada who will review and confirm their interest in pursuing the application. Applicants will undergo a competitive recruitment process as job opportunities are limited and only successful applicants will be invited to submit applications through Canada’s economic migration pathways. In addition to meeting the set criteria and employer needs, applicants must also fulfil Canada’s criteria for economic migration.

In this outreach call, RefugePoint is seeking applications from applicants meeting the following requirements:

  1. Applicants must be recognized refugees in Kenya and issued with the requisite documentation by the Department of Refugee Services ( DRS). Applications are invited from both urban and camp-based refugees.
  2. Minimum education qualifications-Certificate, Diploma or Degree in Nursing or Clinical Medicine (Clinical Officer) or related field/s.
  3. At least 2-3 years’ work experience as a Nurse or Clinical Officer or related position which should be recent (at least 1 year of working experience in the last 5 years)
  4. Fluent proficiency in English (reading, writing, comprehension and speaking) – language test will be administered

Application Procedures

Applicants should immediately submit a copy of their curriculum vitae (CV), a copy of their Refugee Identity Card or Waiting Slip and Proof of Registration if Available. We strongly encourage applications to be submitted electronically through the email address: [email protected].

Applicants should provide their phone numbers where feedback about their applications will be provided.

Female applicants are particularly encouraged to apply.

See also

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