Gender-based violence (GBV)

All services provided by UNHCR and its partners are free of charge!

GBV is a serious violation of human rights and a life-threatening health and protection issue. Anyone can fall victim to violence, and when people flee their homes, they are often at greater risk of physical, sexual, economic, and psychological violence.

Examples of GBV:

  • Rape and Sexual Assault
  • Intimate Partner Violence (IPV): Violence from the person you are in a relationship with, be it your partner or spouse
  • Sexual Harassment (unwelcome sexual behaviours such as touching, kisses, requests for sexual favours, etc.)
  • Forced or Child Marriage
  • Trafficking
  • Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) or Female Genital Cutting (FGC)
  • Honour Crimes
  • Forced Prostitution

If you feel any of the examples mentioned here has happened to you or you are unsure whether it happened to you, you can contact any of the organizations listed below.  

Where can I go for help related to Gender-based violence (GBV)?

Partner emergency services for GBV survivors:

CARE Egypt Foundation: provides support for GBV survivors and remains available through its hotlines.
GBV Cairo Helplines: 01028859777 / 01028859666 / 01120486354
GBV Alexandria Helplines: 01276429307 / 01146077273 / 01144470800
Emergency overnight hotline: 01028062178 (Overnight helpline after working hours, weekends and official holidays)
Working hours: Sunday – Thursday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Maadi: Villa 26, Street 262, Al-Gazayer Square

Care Egypt also runs two Women Friendly Spaces in which many activities take place such as: sexual and reproductive health awareness sessions, legal awareness sessions, basic psychosocial support sessions, self-defense workshops, gender training for children, and workshops to prevent child marriage and Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting. The Women Friendly Space focus is empowering women and girls and improving their access to information while offering different activities
6th of October Safe Space: Building 22 – 1st neighborhood – 1st district – 6th October. (Location)
Faisal Safe Space: 11 Sehab St., Off Ahmed Kamel St., At the beginning of Faisal St., – 1st Floor

Refuge Egypt: provides emergency medical care for GBV survivors who have experienced a rape incident. Please call first before approaching their clinic.
         – Zamalek All Saints Cathedral Clinic: 5 Michel Lotfallah St., (behind Marriott Hotel)
           Clinic phone: 01272040710, Emergency: 01282112011
        – Nasr City: Supply Office Building ”Maktab El Tamween”, Street Market, 10th District
           Clinic phone 01211970028, Emergency: 01282112011
        – 6th of October City Clinic: 48 El Mehwar El Markazi St., Episcopal Church, 10th District
           Clinic phone: 01211970037, Emergency: 01211970037