Contact Us

Greater Cairo


Working Hours:
Sunday – Wednesday: 08:15 am– 3:30 pm
Thursday: 08:15 am– 2:00 pm

UNHCR will continue to be reached via email through the following accounts:
Child Protection [email protected]
Protection, Counseling & Reception [email protected]
Education [email protected]
Requests for reopening your case [email protected]
Detention cases [email protected]
Complaints  [email protected]
Reporting fraud cases [email protected]

Alexandria and the North Coast Governorates


Working Hours:
Sunday – Wednesday: 08:15 am– 3:30 pm
Thursday: 08:15 am– 2:00 pm

UNHCR will continue to be reached via email through the following accounts:
Referrals for Gender-Based Violence: [email protected]
Referrals for Child Protection: [email protected]
Referrals for Protection, Counseling & Reception: [email protected]