How can I find a job?

In this section, the UNHCR provides guidance and practical tips so that refugees know how to look for and apply for jobs in Brazil. This will increase their chances of being hired in the formal labor market. For young refugees, there is an orientation guide available by clicking here.

Step 1: Have an Individual Taxpayer´s ID, Employment Record and Social Security Card (CTPS)

The Individual Taxpayer´s ID (CPF) is one of the most important documents for people residing in Brazil. Any individual, regardless of age, nationality or migratory status, can apply for one.

Getting a CPF is simple: it can be requested online and free of charge. Just have your Refugee Protocol and National Migration Registration Card (RNM) or passport in hand and fill out the registration here.

The Employee Record and Social Security Card (CTPS) is the document where professional activities of the worker are recorded and ensures access to labor rights provided by law. This document is mandatory to exercise formal professional activities and can be requested by anyone over the age of 14, with a permanent address in Brazil and holder of an Individual Taxpayer´s ID number.

The document is digital and free of charge. To request one, you must:

  • Download the app (Digital Employment Record Card) for free from your mobile app store.


  • Access the link ( registration required)

 Keep in mind

In Brazil, refugees and asylum seekers can work and have the same labor rights as any other Brazilian worker.

At the age of 14 and over it is possible to work as an apprentice, under an Apprenticeship Contract with special work hours. (Access the booklet on this topic here)

At the age of 16 and over, workers can have formal employment in Brazil, but between the ages of 16 and 18 there is a restriction on the activities that workers can perform. For example, working in insalubrious and dangerous conditions is not allowed.

Formal vs. informal employment: which is more worthwhile?


Despite more flexible hours and immediate payment, working informally or on a day-to-day basis is not always the best option. After all, a formal employment position provides several benefits to the worker:

–          Guaranteed remuneration every month and not just when you receive work

–          Labor and Social Security protection, such as sick pay, maternity leave, FGTS [Government Severance Indemnity Fund], protection against occupational accidents, paid vacations, year-end bonus, transportation vouchers and unemployment insurance

–          Many companies often offer additional benefits to their employees, such as meal stipends, health insurance, among others

–          Possibility of growth at the company and career development

Step 2: Have a resume

What should I include in my resume?

In addition to basic information, such as your full name, education and professional experience, it is important to:

  • Always have up-to-date contact information that you can easily access (even better if it’s an e-mail address or WhatsApp number).
  • Emphasize courses taken and experience in your country of origin and in Brazil.
  • List Portuguese or vocational courses you may have taken in Brazil.
  • In the experience section, inform the systems you are familiar with (software, for example), as well as any results you have achieved.
  • Indicate any relevant awards and volunteer work.
  • Make sure to highlight the languages you master.
  • Make a resume that is no longer than one page, objective and contains the most important information about your work experiences.
  • Be honest with the information.
  • Ask someone to revise your resume if you are not yet comfortable with your Portuguese.
  • If it is a digital resume, save the document in PDF format.

What are the advantages of having an online resume?

Research shows that 6 out of 10 Brazilian companies hire through digital means[1]. This means that the candidate is selected and contact with the interested worker is made through social media, websites and e-mails. However, there are companies (smaller ones, for example) that still opt for physical resumes. Therefore, it is important to check how the companies offering the jobs would like to receive resumes.

Check out some advantages of having an online resume:

  • Participate in online selection processes.
  • Your information can be updated quickly whenever necessary (including contact information, new courses or job experiences).
  • Be enrolled on recruitment sites and platforms that offer jobs.
  • Ease of searching and applying for jobs regardless of where you are, as well as avoiding travel expenses.

Extra help

Access a suggested resume template at this link.

Step 3: Sign up for recruitment platforms and websites

For your curriculum to gain visibility and to participate in the selection processes by digital means, it is essential to register it on recruitment sites. Registration is simple, fast and free. Check out some of the most popular platforms:

a) National recruitment platforms

Vagas Platform collects thousands of candidates’ resumes. In order for the company interested in hiring a refugee to locate your resume, you must include #workshopvagaseacnur in the “Additional information” field. Click here to find a detailed guide on how to register on Vagas platform.

LinkedInGupy99 JobsInfojobsManpowerCatho

In addition to registering your resume, on these platforms you can look for opportunities by job title, company name, area of interest and city.

b) Brazilian National Employment System (SINE)

The Brazilian National Employment System (SINE) is a program of the Brazilian government that allows you to register a resume, consult jobs and schedule job interviews with companies. On the website or on the Sine Fácil app (Android), SINE can be accessed virtually. For in-person service, just visit a SINE unit in your municipality. The addresses can be found here.

c) Companies with Refugees Platform 

You can access job opportunities for refugees on the Companies with Refugees platform. Opportunities in companies in various regions and sectors are available at this link. Just send your resume to the contact details shown in the table.

d) Companies website 

It is also worth consulting the vacancies directly on the websites or pages of the members of the Companies with Refugees Forum, who request the hiring of refugees and are committed to supporting the inclusion of this population. Meet some:
Belgo Arames ,  BRF , Foundever , Iguatemi ,  Puravida ,  Renner S/A , Sodexo, and Hidrovias do Brasil 

e) UNHCR´s Partners and NGOs:

There are civil society organizations and UNHCR partners who can support in creating resumes and job searches. To find them in your city, search here.

Keep an eye on your e-mail!

When applying for a job, it is important to know how the company will contact you in case of interest. Many of them inform candidates selected for interviews or other stages of the selection process by e-mail. In such cases, it is critical to have an active e-mail account (there are several free options like Gmail and Outlook) and check it at least once a day. Here are some tips for responding to messages about jobs:

  • Respond as soon as possible (preferably on the same day)
  • Be objective in your response and provide the information/confirmations requested by the company
  • Be polite
  • Double check your message before sending

Sample of a reply e-mail for scheduling an interview:

Dear (Name of person),

Thank you for the opportunity, I am very interested in this job. I am available to do the interview on XX, at XX. My phone number is XXXX.

Does that work for you?

Would it be in person or remotely?

I remain at your disposal if you need any additional information,


(Your name)

Step 4: Job interview

How can I prepare?

  • Before the interview, visit the company’s website and research their line of business, how long they have been in business, what services they offer, and their locations.
  • Look over the job ad again to become familiar with all the required skills.
  • Think back to your experiences, skills and abilities. The interview questions are usually related to these topics.

What should I demonstrate during the interview?

  • Consistent communication and professional posture;
  • Common sense, discretion and naturalness;
  • Maintain a positive attitude, show willingness and interest in the job;
  • If you have questions? Ask politely;
  • Talk about your skills and points of improvement with concrete examples;
  • Be cordial and respectful;
  • It is a good idea to prepare some questions to ask at the end of the interview, mainly related to the company or the job. This shows interest in the job;
  • Never lie, take calls, or use your phone during the interview. We also do not recommended just asking about time off and vacation time, or if there are a lot of candidates applying for the job, or to pressure the company for a response;
  • Do not address aspects of your personal life unless asked.
For reflection:

You have now had access to guidelines and tools that can assist you in actively seeking formal employment in Brazil. To succeed: prepare, trust yourself and in your abilities, and be proactive! This is an important first step in this challenging trajectory, but essential for gaining financial autonomy

Good luck!

Partners organizations in Rio de Janeiro

Trampolim – Cáritas Arquidiocesana do Rio de Janeiro
🇧🇷 Address: R. São Francisco Xavier, 483 – Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 20550-011
🇧🇷Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (21) 96691-3340 and ( 21) 99580-4488

Mawon Association
🇧🇷 Address: R. Visc. de Pirajá, 54 – 8 – Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 22410-003
🇧🇷Email: [email protected] 
🇧🇷 Phone: (21) 99869-8270

SOS Children’s Villages
🇧🇷 Address: Rua Jardim do Seridó, 200 – Itanhangá, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 22641-340
🇧🇷Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (21) 99869-8270

Casa do Trabalhador
🇧🇷 Address: click here to see the unit closest to your home.
🇧🇷Phone: (21) 2334-6307 | (21) 2332-1045 | (21) 2334-8950 | (24) 2246-8942 | (24) 3352-1593 | (22) 2525-9205

Company-School Integration Center (CIEE)
🇧🇷 Address: click here to see the unit closest to you.
🇧🇷Telephone: 3003-2433

Partners organizations in São Paulo

Caritas Arquidiocesana de São Paulo
🇧🇷 Address:  Av. Mal. Eurico Gaspar Dutra, 1853 – Parada Inglesa. São Paulo – SP, 02239-010. In-person service Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm.
🇧🇷 Email:  [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone:  (11) 93904-5321 | (11) 97630-8023

Work and Entrepreneurship Support Center (CATE)
🇧🇷 Address: click here to see the unit closest to you.
🇧🇷Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: 156

Support Program for Refugee Relocation (PARR)
🇧🇷 Address: Av. Bad. Eurico Gaspar Dutra, 1853 – Parada Inglesa, São Paulo – SP, 02239-010. Click here to pre-register.
🇧🇷Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (11) 96641-3156

Reference and Service Center for Immigrants (CRAI)
🇧🇷 Address: R. Maj. Diogo, 834 – Bela Vista, São Paulo – SP, 01324-001.
🇧🇷Email: [email protected]  | [email protected]  | [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (11) 2361-3780 | (11) 2361-5069

I’m a Refugee
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (11) 97081-4907

🇧🇷 Address: R. da Glória, 900 – Liberdade. São Paulo – SP, 01510-000
🇧🇷Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (11) 2537-3441 | (11) 97512-0307 | (11) 93730-4461 | (11) 94822-7094

Refugee Reintegration Institute – ADUS Institute
🇧🇷 Address: Av. São João, 313 – Historic Center of São Paulo, São Paulo – SP, 01035-905.
🇧🇷Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (11) 3225-0439 | (11) 94744-2879

Company-School Integration Center (CIEE)
🇧🇷 Address: click here to see the unit closest to you.
🇧🇷Telephone: 3003-2433

Partners organizations in Roraima

Jesuit Service to Migrants and Refugees – SJMR
🇧🇷 Address:  Av. Gen. Ataíde Teive, 2386 A – Liberdade. Boa Vista – RR, 69309-000.
🇧🇷 Email:  [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone:  (95) 3623-5990 | (95) 99962 1000

Coordination and Interiorization Center
🇧🇷 Address: Av. Brazil – September ThirteenBoa Vista – RR

Company-School Integration Center (CIEE)
🇧🇷 Address: click here to see the unit closest to you.
🇧🇷Telephone: 3003-2433

Partners organizations in Amazonas

🇧🇷 Address:  R. Quintino Bocaiúva, 626 – Centro. Manaus – AM, 69550-049
🇧🇷 Email:  [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone:  (92) 99431-5431 | (92) 98403-0112

Jesuit Service to Migrants and Refugees (SJMR)
🇧🇷 Address:  Av. Constantino Nery, 1029 – Saint Geraldo. Manaus – AM, 69010-160
🇧🇷 Email:  [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone:  (92) 99157-6097

Caritas Arquidiocesana de Manaus
🇧🇷 Address:  R Av. Joaquim Nabuco, 13 – Downtown. Manaus – AM, 69020-031.
🇧🇷 Email:  [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (92) 99292-4472 | (92) 3212-9030

Company-School Integration Center (CIEE)
🇧🇷 Address: click here to see the unit closest to you.
🇧🇷Telephone: 3003-2433

Partner organizations in Brasilia

Migration and Human Rights Institute – IMDH
🇧🇷 Address:  Quadra 7 Conjunto C Lote 1 Quadra 7 Conjunto C Lote 1, Varjão, Brasília – DF, 71555-239
🇧🇷 Email:  [email protected]  | [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone:  (61) 3340-2689 | (61) 3447-8043 | (61) 98210-5085

Association of Volunteers for International Service (AVSI)
🇧🇷 Address: SRTVS, Qd. 701, Bloco O, Sala 536, Edf. Multiempresarial, CEP 70340-000, Brasília-DF
🇧🇷Phone: (61) 3081-0858

Company-School Integration Center (CIEE)
🇧🇷 Address: click here to see the unit closest to you.
🇧🇷Telephone: 3003-2433

Partners organizations in Minas Gerais

Jesuit Service to Migrants and Refugees (SJMR)
🇧🇷 Address:  Av. Amazonas, 641 – 17th floor – Downtown. Belo Horizonte – MG, 30180-001
🇧🇷 Email:  [email protected]  | [email protected]  | [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone:  (31) 99210-3434 | (31) 99567-6745 | (31) 99289-0216 | (31) 99210-3435 | (31) 99786-8145 | (31) 99210-3444 | (31) 99210-3443 | (31) 99428-0043 | (31) 99295-4122

Company-School Integration Center (CIEE)
🇧🇷 Address: click here to see the unit closest to you.
🇧🇷Telephone: 3003-2433

Partners organizations in Paraná

Caritas Brasileira – Regional Paraná
🇧🇷 Address:  R. Paula Gomes, 703 – São Francisco. Curitiba – PR, 80510-070.
🇧🇷 Email:  [email protected]  | [email protected]  | [email protected]  | [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone:  (41) 3039-7869 | (45) 3222-4313 ( Rattlesnake ) | (41) 99588-4825 ( Curitiba ) | (43) 3525-0707 ( Jacarezinho ) | (43) 99994-0720 ( Londrina ) | (44) 99102-9015 ( Maringá ) | (43) 9834-4154 or (43) 3423-5644 (Apucarama) | (44) 3423-1045 or (44) 3423-1198 (Paranavaí) | (42) 3226-1165 ( Ponta Grossa ) | (44) 9748-7537 (Umuarama ) | (46) 3542-1293 ( Francisco Beltrão ) | (44) 99953-9043 ( Campo Mourão ) | (45) 99924-3409 ( Foz do Iguaçu )

Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (41) 99503-5370

Company-School Integration Center (CIEE)
🇧🇷 Address: click here to see the unit closest to you.
🇧🇷Telephone: 3003-2433

Partners organizations in Rio Grande do Sul

Jesuit Service to Migrants and Refugees – SJMR
🇧🇷 Address:  Av. Venâncio Aires, 1048 – Farroupilha. Porto Alegre – RS, 90040-192.
🇧🇷 Email:  [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone:  (51) 3254-0140 | (51) 99995-5573
🇧🇷 Services:  legal, socio-assistance and psychosocial assistance, referral to public services and partner networks, support for insertion in the labor market and entrepreneurship, facilitated access to Portuguese and professional training courses, emergency financial assistance to profiles of greater vulnerability.

SOS Children’s Villages
🇧🇷 Address:  Av. Caldeia, 250 – Sarandi, Porto Alegre – RS, 91130-540.
🇧🇷 Phone:  (51) 3364-7999 | (51) 3364-2967

Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)
🇧🇷Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (51) 3245-7055 | (51) 3245-7025

Company-School Integration Center (CIEE)
🇧🇷 Address: click here to see the unit closest to you.
🇧🇷Telephone: 3003-2433

Partners organizations in Santa Catarina

Caritas Brasileira Regional Santa Catarina
🇧🇷 Address:  R. Dep. Antônio Edu Vieira, 1524 – Pantanal, Florianópolis – SC, 88040-001
🇧🇷 Email:  [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone:  (48) 99829-2008

Migrant Pastoral Service (SPM)
🇧🇷 Address:  R. Dep. Antônio Edu Vieira, 1524 – Pantanal, Florianópolis – SC, 88040-001
🇧🇷 Email:   [email protected]
🇧🇷 Telephone:  (48) 98826-9229

Hospitality Circles
🇧🇷 Address:  R. Duque de Caxias, s/n – Saco dos Limões, Florianópolis – SC, 88045-210
🇧🇷 Email:  [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone:  (48) 99800-5255 | (48) 99638-0528

Jesuit Service to Migrants and Refugees (SJMR)
🇧🇷 Address:  R. Dep. Antônio Edu Vieira, 1524 – Pantanal. Florianópolis – SC, 88040-001.
🇧🇷 Phone:  (48) 99190-7139 | (48) 99111-6344

Company-School Integration Center (CIEE)
🇧🇷 Address: click here to see the unit closest to you.
🇧🇷Telephone: 3003-2433