Protection Grants Program 2024 

Program for organizations led by refugees, stateless people, or people with a humanitarian residence – 2024

The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) invites organizations led by refugees, asylum seekers, people with a humanitarian residence and stateless people, living in Brazil to participate in the 2024 Call for Expression of Interest and present their proposal for the Protection Grants established by UNHCR in the country.

The program aims invites organizations to collaborate with the UNHCR in the implementation of its programs in Brazil, specifically in support of pre-documentation, guidance on access to rights and services, identification of protection cases and referral to the public network, cultural and linguistic mediation in public service centers, Portuguese language courses, prevention of gender-based violence, preparation, translation and dissemination of information targeted to refugee communities, among others. 

Within this call, up to 12 organizations will be selected and will receive financial support to implement their projects. The maximum financial support that each selected organizations can receive is up to R$ 15,000.00 reais (USD 3000) per organization. This initiative will accept applications from all over Brazil.

The program is designed for non-profit organizations led by refugees (formalized or not), which are recognized in their communities for their social contributions.

Applications will be accepted from June 21 to July 14, 2024.

Please note that proposals will be accepted in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English.

If you require any additional information or if you encounter technical issues in submitting your application, please address your questions to [email protected].

Click here to see the full Call for Interest.

How to apply?

To register for the program, each organization must submit the online registration form available at this link: and submit the documents provided for in the call for interest.

*Click on the budget spreadsheet to access a suggested budget template for enrolling in the program.

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