Italy is a peninsula, often described as a boot, located in Southern Europe, and it is divided into 20 regions.
It has four seasons, the climate is generally temperate, although diverse due to the country’s conformation and geographical position.
Italy is a democratic Republic, with institutions and public services responsible for ensuring well-being and safety for all. Sovereignty belongs to the people and is exercised in accordance with the Constitution, the milestone of the Italian legislation. Important values are democracy, freedom of expression (including religion or other beliefs), the aim to a peaceful environment, freedom of thought and of association, right to a family life, to education, to access healthcare, and so on regardless of gender, religion, ethnic origin and political views are all guaranteed
The Italian Constitution is available in eleven languages here
More than 3 million of foreigner citizens regularly live in Italy, they come from 50 different Countries. Small communities of Syrians and Afghans also resides in the country.
The Italian authorities wish to provide you with the opportunity to build a new and safe life in Italy.
To this end, Italy will grant you reception, livelihood and support for your integration in the Italian society for one year in one of the facilities of the public system for the reception of asylum seekers and refugees.
Its reception system is characterized by a network of projects that is spread throughout the country, with around 60% of projects located in the south.
To experience Italy from the eyes of refugees who have previously been resettled to the country, please watch the video below with some of stories and experiences of persons who were resettled to Italy
If you want to start learning Italian online, check a list of websites made by our Italian Cultural Institute:
or from here
You can try also to download this app for free: AtayaApp – App su Google Play / Ataya App – Cooperativa Ruah
General Information 1. You have been selected for submission to Italy. 2. Resettlement is a long process, and the final decision will be made by the Italian Government. UNHCR has no influence in the decision process. 3. If accepted EUAA (European Union Agency for Asylum) will contact you when a travel date has been set. Italian Ministry of Interior will be responsible for your travel arrangements. 4. If accepted you will undergo a pre-departure medical examination. 5. This document gives you basic information on your rights, entitlements and obligations when arriving in Italy. 6. Please note that resettlement takes time – please be patient! |

When will I know if I have been accepted?
The Italian authorities will inform UNHCR as soon as they have taken a decision on your case, upon which UNHCR will notify you. This may take several weeks.
How long is the average time from acceptance to departure?
You will be notified in time on your departure day to Italy. Families are expected to travel together. The travelling will be arranged by Italian Ministry of Interior with the support of EUAA. |
What would my status be upon arrival; refugee, immigrant or citizen? What documents will I be issued?
Upon your arrival you will be recognized as a refugee, consequently you will be entitled to receive a five year residence permit and a travel document for refugees issued by Italian authorities. The residence permit and the travel documents are renewable every five years. With this residence permit refugees are not allowed to live and work in any country other than Italy. After five years of legal residence in Italy, you can obtain a long term residence permit (EU residence permit). This document allows you to settle and work in any European country. |
Do I need to go through an asylum process after I arrive in Italy?
Once arrived in Italy, you will be not requested to undergo any RSD ( refugees status determination) personal interview, the recognition of your refugee status will be based on the documents shared by UNHCR with the Italian authority. At your arrival at the airport in Italy, you will undergo photo – fingerprinting and then you will be requested to formalize your asylum request to the Italian authority signing the C3 form. Following some weeks, you will be notified your refugee status certificate, issued by the competent Italian RSD body. With the refugee status certificate you will go to the local police HQ (Questura), to submit your request of the residence permit and the travel document. |
Does Italy offer cultural orientation before I depart? |
Yes, a pre-departure orientation course of approx. 3 days will be arranged close to the departure date. |
Can my family members join me later? |
According to the Italian legislation, you can apply for family reunification for the following family members: spouse; unmarried minor children; parents with no assistance, who are not self-reliant and over 65 Y.O.. As refugee, you are entitled to apply irrespective of your financial and housing resources. You may start applying for your family member upon you receive your residence permit. |
Can I travel to other countries? How soon after arrival can I travel?
Yes, a travel document can be issued by the Italian authorities. You will be free to travel from one Country to another in the Schengen Area for a three-month period (also shorter periods amounting to three months) in a year, without a visa. Please bear in mind that you are not allowed to reside or work in another EU Country. In case you remain outside of Italy, for more than ninety days and you are intercepted by the authority of another EU Country, you could be forcibly returned to Italy. Please bear in mind that, until you will be hosted in the Italian refugee’s reception system, any journey will have to be agreed with the Managing Entity of the reception project. If you will leave the reception project without authorization, you will lose the right to reception. No travel restrictions are imposed by the Italian law but if you go back to your Country of Origin the Italian authority could withdraw – following a specific procedure – your refugee status. In most instances, you may not be able to travel to the country you were resettled from either. This, however, does not depends on Italian legislation, but on entry regulations to that specific country. You will be able to travel, once you receive your residence permit and travel document. |
My passport is about to expire/ I do not have a passport – do I need it to travel to Italy as part of the resettlement process? |
You do not need your national passport to travel to Italy for resettlement. In case of lack of a valid travel document, you will be provided with a laissez passer. In case you are selected and your national passport is expired you have to show it to the Italian Embassy, for identification purpose when you will go there to make the visa request. |
Rights and Entitlements |
Do men and women have the same rights? |
Yes, according to the Italian Constitution and laws every person in Italy is equal, with same duties and same rights, irrespectively of his/her race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, religion, political beliefs, etc. Forced or early marriages, honor crimes, female genital mutilation, and any other form of violence against women and girls are forbidden, illegal and punished by law.
For how long can I stay in Italy? |
Admitted refugees can stay in Italy as long as protection is required. For this purpose, you will be provided with a residence permit for international protection valid for 5 years renewable. |
Can I apply for citizenship?
According to the Italian law, refugees can apply for citizenship after five years of regular stay in Italy, The procedure for citizenship’s application could last up to three years. |
Will I be provided with accommodation when I arrive? What kind of accommodation it will be (e.g. reception center, flat, etc.)
Upon your arrival to Italy, you will be provided with temporary accommodation in a reception facility for up to 1 year to begin the process of your social integration in Italy. Based on specific circumstances and needs, the reception period can be extended on case by case basis. The reception facilities are located within several Italian Municipalities and provide the following services: material, legal, social and psychological assistance. |
How will the living conditions in the reception facilities be like? Will I have to share the kitchen or bathroom? |
Upon your arrival in Italy, you will be provided with accommodation for up to 1 year in one of the reception facilities part of the Italian refugee’s reception and integration system (SAI), to begin the process of your social integration in Italy. The accommodation can be provided either in private apartments dedicated to the person/family or in shared apartments or in collective centers. Family members will be kept together. |
Can I choose where I live in Italy?
No, until you will be hosted within the Reception and Integration System (SAI). The body that manages the system will choose the reception facility based on availability or your specific needs if any. Once you will be self-sufficient and you will leave the reception project you will be free to live wherever you want, within the Italian territory |
Will my children have access to education (pre-school, primary/ secondary/ tertiary)?
Yes. Education in Italy is generally free of charge up to the secondary school. The Italian law foresees compulsory schooling for children aged between 6 and 16. Access to nursery schools for infants up to 2 years as well as to kindergartens for children aged between 2 and 5 is subject to place availability. Adolescents aged 16 and above have also access to education, including professional training. |
Will I have access to vocational trainings?
Yes, in Italy vocational trainings are organized by the Regions. Access to vocational trainings is subject to place availability as well as to personal conditions, skills and qualifications. Once you have arrived, talk to the staff of your reception project for more details. |
Will I have access to language courses?
Yes, language courses are available and provided by public schools, associations and-or by the reception centres. Qualified staff at the reception centres, including interpreters, will assist you throughout your stay. You are expected to make an effort to learn Italian. Italian will help you integrate, empower you to start a new life and give you a better chance of finding a job. |
Will I have access to an interpreter when interacting with authorities? |
Yes, you have the right to access an interpreter free of charge when interacting with authorities |
Will I have access to free health care? |
Yes. The Italian healthcare system is generally free of charge. As all Italian citizens, you will be provided with a general practitioner and your children with a pediatrician and, depending on your employment condition and income, you could be asked to pay a small fee for medical assistance. In relation to the social assistance, you will enjoy the same rights as the Italian citizens. |
Will I have the right to work? |
Yes, you will have the right to work. Empowerment measures are foreseen by the Programme, for instance language and cultural orientation and/or vocational training classes or stage. Please bear in mind that Italy has a significant unemployment rate and to find a job might be very difficult. Moreover, you might not be able to find a job corresponding to your educational level. |
Will I receive any assistance in the new country (housing allowance, subsidies, etc.) and for how long?
During your stay in the reception facility, you will receive a daily pocket money. In reception facilities foods and basic needs are covered by the Programme. In Italy, there are limited measures of housing support. You have the right to apply in order to accede to these measures, at the same conditions as Italian citizens. |
What happens if after X months I am unable to find work and support my family?
In reception facilities social workers will assist you in your integration process, in particular, language courses and vocational training attendance or stage. These activities are aimed at helping you in finding job opportunities. If you are not able to find a job or in case you face economic and social problems, you will be entitled to the same rights in relation to the social assistance as the Italian citizens. |
Will my degree/ profession be recognized? |
Foreign diplomas are not automatically recognized in Italy. Special procedures are foreseen by the Italian law, in particular for those professions regulated by professional associations (such as doctors, nurses, attorneys, engineers). Therefore, additional studies and exams may be required to obtain a license to be able to practice your profession. Please be aware that the procedure for the recognition of the degrees are long and not always is possible to conclude positively the procedure. |
As a LGBTI person, do I have the same rights as other people including marriage?
In Italy, as a LGBTI person you will have the same rights as other people. Same sex partnerships are legal in Italy. |
Obligations |
How am I expected to contribute to society? |
You are expected to integrate in the Italian society and respect the Italian laws. You will be also allowed to keep your national identity and will be protected in case of discrimination. |
Are the language courses mandatory? If so, what are the required hours of attendance? What happens if don’t attend or fail the course? |
You are of course expected to attend language courses that will be provided to you, when you arrive in the reception project that will host you, you will meet the social workers that will help you to integrate. They will illustrate to you the reception agreements in which are reported all your rights and duties and the reciprocal commitments between you and the social workers’ team. |
Do I have to pay back for my ticket at a later stage? |
No, you do not need to pay for your ticket. |
Will I have to pay taxes? |
You will be requested to pay taxes when you will have an income |
Will I be allowed / required to vote? |
No, you will not be allowed/required to vote unless you ask for and get the Italian citizenship.
General Information |
Can I practice my religion in Italy? Will there by places of worship? |
Yes, freedom of religion is granted by the Italian Constitution and laws. Please be aware that not in every Municipality are present places of worship of every religion |
Are there any laws concerning religious symbols (e.g. wearing hijab or niqab)?
In Italy there are not laws concerning the limitation of religious symbols. Women are allowed to ware hijab and niqab. For identification purposes and in order to take photos for the documents, according to the Italian law, the oval of the face have to be completely visible, so the forehead and the ears have to be visible. To this end, in these occasions, the woman could be requested by the representatives of the public authority to loosen their hijab or to remove the part of the niqab that covers her face – just for the time to take the photo or to be identified – in order to let these parts of the face be visible. |
Will I be able to access food in accordance with my religious dietary requirements? |
Yes, in principle. Please be aware that some reception projects are located in small Municipalities, where you could not be able find your traditional or halal food. |
How can I prepare for life in the new country? Will I attend pre-departure orientation?
Before the departure, during the PDO additional information about Italy will be provided to you. |
Useful links
Italian Government Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Sistema Accoglienza Integrazione.
المفوضية – المفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين (