Verification of Syrian nationals under temporary protection

As of late 2016, the Presidency of Migration Management (PMM) carried out a verification project for Syrians residing in Türkiye under temporary protection and updated/completed the information taken during their initial registration conducted by the Police or Provincial Directorates of Migration Management (PDMM) officials. This project, which was supported by UNHCR, was successfully completed in early 2019 with the participation and coordination of PDMM officials throughout Türkiye. A very large number of Syrians under temporary protection have already been verified and the remainder who have not been verified still need to do so by approaching the PDMM office in their city.

If you fall under any of the following criteria, you must approach the PDMM office in your city of residence as soon as possible and update your data:

  • Persons who still hold the black and white temporary protection ID card (Kimlik) must renew their Kimlik in order to continue to have access to services and assistance available in Türkiye. Visuals of old TP ID and new TP ID are displayed below.

Old TP ID (Kimlik) – must be renewed 

New TP ID (Kimlik)

  • Persons with new Kimlik who have had changes in their bio-data that are not captured by PDMM (birth, death, marriage, divorce, change of address or contact information).
  • Persons whose special needs and vulnerabilities have changed or persons whose special needs and vulnerabilities have not been captured by PDMM at the time of initial registration or verification.

Important: Verification is free of charge.

No one will ask you or should ask you for payment at any point during the verification process. Be aware that any PMM services offered to you in exchange for money are fraudulent.

Do not trust anyone who claims to be able to get you an expedited appointment for verification. Follow the methods listed in the section on ‘Booking an appointment for verification’ to obtain your appointment.

If you face any problem or abuse or mistreatment at the verification centre, please note that there are complaint boxes in these centres and all complaints are reviewed by PMM.

Report fraudsters who are offering you expedited appointment, resettlement, financial or other kinds of assistance, fake documents or fake claims in exchange for money or other favours. You can report them by calling the PMM YIMER 157 call centre.

Important: Verification is mandatory and it is the responsibility of the individual to take an appointment and attend the interview with his/her family members are relevant.

You must be verified to continue benefiting from services and assistance in Türkiye. This includes:

  • Accommodation
  • Healthcare
  • Employment
  • Education
  • Social assistance
  • And other public services

For more information on the importance of verification, please watch the video listed below and/or continue reading the information listed below:

Introduction to verification of data

What is verification and why is my data being verified?

Verification is a process through which PMM can update the data taken about you and your family during your initial registration with PMM; it is also an opportunity for you to be given updated and useful information on the services and assistance that you’re entitled to in Türkiye as a Syrian national holding temporary protection status.

Since your registration you may have had changes like new birth, death, marriage, departure from Türkiye, or a change of address and contact information. This is a good chance for you to ensure that this information is updated. PMM will verify data as part of their standard registration procedures to identify your needs, provide necessary information, and make referrals for your access to services (including education, healthcare, employment and assistance).

Why should I take an appointment to verify my/my family’s information and what happens if I don’t?

Ensuring that your data is updated by verifying it at the relevant PDMM office in the city of your residence is a responsibility that you need to fulfil in order for you and your family to continue to have access to services and assistance extended by Türkiye. If you do not participate, PMM may freeze your temporary protection status. This will put you in an illegal status and bar your access to rights, services and the available assistance.

You will receive a new temporary protection identity card (Kimlikafter your verification has been completed.

Where can I update/verify my data?

Please visit the PMM website here and select your city of residence to see the address of PDMM.

 Who will have access to the information in my file?

The data is protected pursuant to the Turkish Law on the protection of personal data.

Will I be resettled to a third country if I am verified?

Completing the verification process is not linked to resettlement to a third country. Verification of your data will facilitate the identification of persons with special needs, persons with vulnerabilities, and the needs of families.

Who needs to verify their data and information?

If you fall under any of the following criteria, you must approach PDMM office in your city of residence as soon as possible and update your data:

  1. Persons who still hold the black and white temporary protection ID card (Kimlik) (see examples of this Kimlik in the pictures above).
  2. Persons with new Kimlik who have had changes in their bio-data that are not captured by PDMM (birth, death, marriage, divorce, change of address or contact information).
  3. Persons whose special needs and vulnerabilities have changed or persons whose special needs and vulnerabilities have not been captured by PDMM at the time of initial registration or verification.

How frequent should I verify/update my data?

You are responsible to inform PDMM in your city every time there is a change affecting your civil status (birth, death, marriage, divorce); household composition; residence address; work or education status; contact information; and/or special needs.

 What if I am an asylum-seeker or refugee under international protection in Türkiye and I am not Syrian, do I still have to approach PDMM to update/verify my data?

If there are changes in your bio-data that are not captured by PDMM such as new birth, death, marriage, divorce, change of address or contact information, you need to approach PDMM and inform them about these changes.

What if I am not a Syrian national but I am a refugee, stateless person or Palestinian from Syria who has been granted temporary protection status by PMM, do I have to approach PDMM to update/verify my data?


What if I am a Syrian but I am not registered with the Turkish government, or I have only completed my pre-registration procedure with the Turkish government at this point, do I still have to approach PDMM to update/verify my data?

No. Nevertheless, you should apply to PDMM and get registered if you have not been registered already.

Booking an appointment for verification

How can I book an appointment for myself/my family?

There are three ways to book an appointment:

(1) You can approach the PDMM in your place of residence,
(2) You can book online at,
(3) You can book by calling the PMM YIMER call centre at 157.

Exceptionally, due to possible technical difficulties, those holding a Kimlik starting with 98 are recommended to book their appointment at their nearest PDMM. This recommendation applies specifically to individuals holding a Temporary Protection ID/Foreign Identity Certificate.

It is sufficient for the head of the household or his/her spouse or an adult dependent to book an appointment through the three ways mentioned above. Do not send your children, a friend, or a relative to book an appointment on your behalf.

Do I book an appointment for verification in the city that I was registered in or residing in at the moment?

If you have moved from the city where you were registered, you can be verified in your new location; you do not need to go back to the city that you were registered in. During verification, make sure you provide your new address. If you have any form of proof of address, such as a rental contract or lease; electricity, water, gas bills; or address statement form from mukhtars, take it with you to confirm your new address. Make sure you bring all your supporting documents and official ID like your passport, national ID, Turkish temporary protection ID card (Kimlik), driver’s license, etc.

 What happens if I/my family do not obtain an appointment for verification?

Booking an appointment helps to ensure that the process at the PDMM goes smoothly for you and your family. Only a fixed number of people can be verified at each PDMM each day. If you show up without an appointment, it will not be possible to verify you that day and you’ll have to return to the centre another day. Save yourself time by booking an appointment beforehand, and come on the appointed date with all your family members. If you do not participate in verification, PMM might freeze your temporary protection status. This will put you in an illegal status and bar your access to rights, services and the available assistance.

Attending your verification appointment

What documents should I bring to my verification interview?

 Please do not forget to bring with you all your supporting documents in Türkiye and Syria such as your passport, family booklet, marriage certificate, Kimlik, driver’s license, diploma, student certificate, school report card as well as any form of document proving your address, such as a rental contract or lease; electricity, water, gas bills; or address statement form from mukhtars.

If you or any of your family members have a special need, please do not forget to bring relevant documents such as medical reports or disability reports from the Turkish doctor/hospital or the Syrian authorities when possible.

 What happens if I/my family obtain an appointment but for some reason we cannot show up to the appointment?

In this case, the head of household or his/her spouse or an adult dependent should renew the appointment through the three different ways listed on this page. You can book a maximum of three appointments; if you fail to show up to all three your access to rights and services may be restricted. Please attend your verification interview at the appointed date and verify your registration.

What happens if one or more of my family members cannot show up to the appointment but the rest of us can?

In this case, the individual(s) who were not able to show up should book another appointment. Please do not forget that you are only allowed to book a maximum of three appointments. If you do not show up to all three of these appointments, then your access to rights and services may be restricted.

What if I or one of my family members has a vulnerability such as a disability or medical condition that does not allow us to come to the verification centre?

If this is the case, approach the PDMM identified in your province and explain your situation to them; they will then advise you accordingly. Bring with you any supporting documents that will help your case such as medical reports from the Turkish doctor/hospital or a disability card from the Syrian authorities when possible. If no one from your family is able to commute to the centre to obtain an appointment, please inform the officials who will conduct the verification of your case and you will be referred to PMM through them.

The difference between verification and the ESSN project (Kizilay cash card)

What is the difference between verification and the ESSN project (Kizilay cash card)?

Verification and the ESSN are separate. The ESSN is the Emergency Social Safety Net programme; it is implemented in partnership by the International Federation of Red Cross and red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the Turkish Red Crescent (TRC) and Turkish Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services. It delivers cash assistance to vulnerable people of concern under temporary protection or other form of international protection living outside of camps across Türkiye. Assistance is delivered monthly to each family that is found eligible through the Kizilay card.

Will I receive the Kizilay cash card when I complete verification?

As outlined above, verification aims to update the information taken from you during your initial registration. Being verified is a responsibility which you must fulfil. Verification does not automatically make you eligible for the Kizilay cash card nor start the application for you. You will need to apply for the Kizilay cash card separately.

For more information on the Kizilay cash card, call the Kizilay call centre at 168.

Further information

For further information on verification, you can:

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