Education FAQs

Do individual under international protection and temporary protection in Türkiye have the right to education?

According to Turkish national law, all children in Türkiye, including foreigners (as well as international protection applicants, international protection status holders, and those under temporary protection), have the right to receive primary and secondary school education free of charge. In addition to being crucial for children’s development and social cohesion, education also fosters cognitive growth and improves language skills. Furthermore, education will help children to navigate challenges, including displacement.

It is important for children to attend school, no matter how long you expect to stay in Türkiye! Even if you hope to be resettled to another country or to go back to your country, it is important that you and your family use the time in Türkiye to develop the skills that will help your children integrate socially and academically into a new education system. The longer your children are out of school, the more difficult this becomes.

Formal Education in Türkiye is:

  • Compulsory
  • Free,
  • Implemented with 4+4+4 system,
  • Imperative for parents to register their children in school and ensure their attendance until completion.

You have to ensure that your child is registered in a school. But registration is not enough, continuity is also significant!! Failure to do so may result in significant penalties for you. Remember, a lack of proficiency in Turkish should not hinder your access to education.

It’s crucial for every child to continue to high school. In addition to regular high schools, there are also vocational high schools where your child can gain practical skills for a profession, where they have the opportunity to acquire technical and vocational skills. Vocational and technical education at the high school level is given through institutions like Vocational and Technical Anatolian High Schools, Multi-Programme Anatolian High Schools, and Vocational Training Centers (MESEM). If your child is enrolled in these schools, they can benefit from the PIKTES+ (Promoting Inclusive Education for Kids in the Turkish Education System) Programme. Further information about PIKTES is available below.

How can I enroll my child in school?

You have to apply to the closest Turkish school or District National Education Directorate (DNoNE), or for some provinces Provincial Directorates of National Education (PDoNE). You can find the schools that your child can enroll in through e-okul system.

Needed documents for school enrollment are as follows:

  • Valid international protection applicant ID or international protection status holder ID or temporary protection ID which are given by Provincial Directorates of Migration Management (PDMMs),
  • Residence registration (not mandatory, it is needed if there is no information in the national database. You can take it from the Birth Registry Office, or Mukhtars),
  • Other documents needed by Schools (equivalence document, transcript, diploma, etc… )

Can I go to university in Türkiye? What conditions do I have to meet to enroll?

If you are under international protection (i.e., international protection applicant, international protection status holder) or temporary protection and wish to pursue a university education in Türkiye, you have the opportunity to attend Turkish universities. The first step is to take the International Student Admission Exam (TR-YÖS), administered centrally by the Center for Evaluation, Selection, and Placement (ÖSYM) twice a year. Announcements and information regarding the exam can be found on the ÖSYM website ( Tuition fees vary among universities and depend on the chosen program and faculty. Additionally, students should budget for local transportation, books, and living expenses.

Students who want to enroll in associate’s and bachelor’s degree programs in Türkiye must meet the following criteria:

  • Possess a valid Foreigner Identification Number issued by PDMM (Provincial Directorate of Migration Management) (99 number) either as international protection applicant or international protection status holder or temporary protection.
  • Have completed the 12th grade and provide proof of completion.
  • Take the TR-YÖS exam conducted by ÖSYM.
  • Provide the required documentation.

The Council of Higher Education (YÖK) and the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) are the authorized institutions for higher education in Türkiye. Information regarding university admissions and financial support is available on their websites ( Specific details about academic programs and admission requirements for international students can be found on universities’ websites.

Students who started their university studies in their country of origin (or any other country) but were not able to complete them may ask universities to recognize the credits (courses) they have passed. Each university independently decides whether to recognize these courses, and the decision may vary by department. Information on equivalence can be accessed on YÖK’s website (

Are there any institutions that provide free Turkish classes to children and/or adults under international and temporary protection?

Learning Turkish is a fundamental skill for sustaining your life during your stay in Türkiye. Learning Turkish will facilitate daily life and simple tasks (such as shopping, using public transportation), enable friendships with other individuals living in the same region, and assist in emergencies (communicating with doctors or police).

Free Turkish courses are provided by Public Education Centers. To enroll in a course, please contact the Public Education Center in your province or district.

Anadolu University offers free online Turkish language courses at the beginner (A1) and elementary (A2) levels. These courses are open to anyone who wants to learn Turkish. To learn more about the ANA-DİL Turkish language programme and to register, you can access Anadolu University’s ANA-DİL Turkish program website

Yunus Emre Institute (YEI) offers online Turkish courses from beginner (A1) to advanced (C1) levels. Since the courses are offered in a flexible structure, YEI’s “Distance Turkish Learning Portal” allows students to learn Turkish at their own pace and from anywhere they want. You can find more information on this topic on the Yunus Emre Institute’s website and register for the program

Additionally, municipalities can also provide Turkish language courses.

Do any organizations provide education assistance for students under international protection and temporary protection in Türkiye? If yes, where should I apply for this assistance?

The Catch-Up Trainings under the PIKTES+ Project aim to offer educational support to students seeking to enhance their Turkish literacy skills, including those who are completely new to the language. These classes, along with all other initiatives within the project, are accessible to children under international protection and temporary protection.

Furthermore, as part of the PIKTES+ Project, Vocational and Technical Education Scholarships are available to international students, including those under international protection and temporary protection, as well as Turkish citizens who are studying in Vocational and technical education at the high school level. PIKTES+ offered these scholarships to students in grades 9 through 12. For updates on scholarship opportunities, please visit the following link:

Conditional Cash Transfer for Education (CCTE) for Foreigners Programme is implemented by the Ministry of Family and Social Services (MFSS), the Ministry of National Education (MoNE), and the Turkish Red Crescent. Children under international protection and temporary protection can also benefit from this programme. This programme is the extension of the Conditional Cash Transfer programme for Education, which has been implemented by MFSS since 2003 for Turkish citizens living in Türkiye. Under this programme, cash assistance is provided to families whose children (from kindergarten to 12th grade) regularly attend school, provided once they meet the criteria. Applicants must be registered with the PDMMs, have a foreign identity number starting with 99, and be registered in the MERNIS database. Applicants must meet the eligibility criteria of the programme and send their children to school regularly to receive payments regularly. The eligibility criteria are as follows:

  • Being under temporary protection or international protection in Türkiye and living outside of camps,
  • Being deprived of income and social security at the time of application,
  • Having at least one child attending school in the family.

If you wish to apply for this program, please approach the Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundation (SASF) or the TRC Service Centers (SC) in your province or district. If you move to a new address, promptly inform the SASF or SC in your current province or district to ensure uninterrupted assistance.

What are the scholarship opportunities for those under international protection?

Several organizations provide scholarships to students who are under international protection for higher education in Türkiye. These include YTB, UNHCR, the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), and various NGOs.

UNHCR offers the Albert Einstein German Academic Refugee Initiative (DAFI) scholarship program. DAFI scholarships cover a wide range of expenses, including accommodation, food, local transportation, study materials, registration, and tuition fees. Additionally, UNHCR provides semester-based cash grant support, known as Higher Education Cash Grants (HECG), for students under international protection enrolled in Turkish universities.

Students interested in the DAFI scholarship should monitor the UNHCR Help website for announcements and information on eligibility criteria and application processes. UNHCR also recommends that students who are interested in DAFI scholarships should also apply for the Higher Education Cash Grant (HECG) program as DAFI scholarships may not be available every year.

If you are an international protection applicant or an international protection status holder enrolled in a university or higher education institution in Türkiye, you may be eligible for higher education cash grant support from UNHCR. UNHCR announces this support at the beginning of each academic term on this page. Eligibility Criteria:

  • Possess a valid foreigner identification number issued by PDMM as either an international protection applicant or an international protection status holder.
  • Be enrolled in a state university or higher education institution.
  • Be a student in an associate’s or bachelor’s degree program.
  • Have a minimum GPA of 1.5.

The amounts of aid change annually. Application Period: Applications for the 2023-2024 academic year have closed. Please revisit our page in October 2024 for applications for the Fall 2024 semester.

Students may also apply for the ICMPD’s EU Scholarships, provided they meet the following criteria:

  • They are international protection status holders.
  • They are studying in one of the designated provinces: Ankara, Kayseri, Eskişehir, Konya, Trabzon, Karabük, Samsun, İzmir, Erzurum, Adana, Mersin, Hatay, Elazığ, Gaziantep, Kilis, Şanlıurfa, Malatya, Kahramanmaraş, Diyarbakır, Mardin, Van, İstanbul, Bursa.
  • They meet the success and other specified criteria.
  • They are enrolled in a 4-year Bachelor’s program, a thesis or non-thesis Master’s program, or a Ph.D. program.

Information about EU Scholarships can be accessed at (

Remember that the applications of eligible candidates will be carefully reviewed by Scholarship Offices based on criteria such as academic standing, qualifications, academic interests, and participation in social activities.

It is also recommended to regularly check YTB’s Türkiye Scholarships page. Türkiye Scholarships is a comprehensive scholarship program aimed at international students in Türkiye, offering various scholarships. More information can be found at (

What are the scholarship opportunities for those under temporary protection?

Several organizations provide scholarships to Syrian students under temporary protection for higher education in Türkiye. These include YTB, UNHCR, the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), and various NGOs.

UNHCR offers the Albert Einstein German Academic Refugee Initiative (DAFI) scholarship program in partnership with YTB. DAFI scholarships cover a wide range of expenses, including accommodation, food, local transportation, study materials, registration, and tuition fees. Additionally, in partnership with YTB, UNHCR provides semester-based cash grant support, known as Higher Education Cash Grants (HECG), for Syrians under temporary protection enrolled in Turkish universities.

Students interested in the DAFI scholarship or HECG should monitor the YTB website, the UNHCR Help website, or social media accounts for announcements and information on eligibility criteria and application processes. UNHCR also advises students to apply for Türkiye Scholarships, as DAFI or HECG may not be available every year.

Students may also apply for the ICMPD’s EU Scholarships, provided they meet the following criteria:

  • They are under temporary protection.
  • They are studying in one of the designated provinces: Ankara, Kayseri, Eskişehir, Konya, Trabzon, Karabük, Samsun, İzmir, Erzurum, Adana, Mersin, Hatay, Elazığ, Gaziantep, Kilis, Şanlıurfa, Malatya, Kahramanmaraş, Diyarbakır, Mardin, Van, İstanbul, Bursa.
  • They meet the success and other specified criteria.
  • They are enrolled in a 4-year Bachelor’s program, a thesis or non-thesis Master’s program, or a Ph.D. program.

Information about EU Scholarships can be accessed at (

Remember that the applications of eligible candidates will be carefully reviewed by Scholarship Offices based on criteria such as academic standing, qualifications, academic interests, and participation in social activities.

It is also recommended to regularly check YTB’s Türkiye Scholarships page. Türkiye Scholarships is a comprehensive scholarship program aimed at international students in Türkiye, offering various scholarships. More information can be found at (