Travel Permit – USA

This information is for refugees whose UNHCR resettlement cases are submitted to the United States of America (USA). Applicants under Temporary Protection and International Protection status in Türkiye should apply for travel permit when they are invited for an interview for the USA outside their residence city. If you are informed by ICMC for a resettlement interview, you should apply for travel permit on e-devlet only 2 or 3 days before your travel date. Earlier applications may be rejected automatically. Reason of your travel permit is crucial, hence, please follow the steps below. If your travel permit application is rejected, you should try again on the same day or the following day. If you cannot succeed in getting your travel permit application approved, please call UNHCR on 444 48 68 or ICMC on  (0212) 219 20 55.

1. Install the e-Devlet Kapısı App
2. Enter your Turkish Temporary Protection or International Protection number and password, then click on “Giris Yap” button (If you don’t have a password, approach the closest PTT office to obtain password).

3. After signing in, click on “Arama” at the bottom of the page, then type ‘Yol İzin’ in the search area, and click on ‘Yabancılar İçin Yol izin Belgesi’, then Click on blue ‘Yeni Başvuru’ button on the bottom right of the page as shown below.

4. Under “Talep Nedeni”, press on “Seciniz”, then Choose ‘Diğer’, the last option on this page

5. In the box “Diğer Neden” , type ‘Üçüncü Ülke Görüşmesi-ABD-ICMC’ and under “Gideceginiz Il”, choose ‘Istanbul’, For start date, “Baslangic Tarihi” put the interview date as informed by ICMC. For end date, “Bitis Tarihi” put the date when you are expected to arrive at your residence city.  Select family members who are invited for the interview under “Refakatci Listesi” section

6. At the bottom, press the blue button, ‘Basvur’. After submission of request, PDMM will assess travel needs. When it is approved, a link will appear. Press on PDF DOSYASINI AC and travel permission will be downloaded on your phone.