Child protection services

In Slovakia, the case management and follow-up for children facing protection issues fall under the responsibilities and mandate of the Offices of Labour, Social Affairs and Family (“Úrad práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny”), under the Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family (“Ústredie práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny). 

  1. If you have a suspicion that a child is facing violence, neglect, exploitation, or abuse threatening the child’s life and health, reach out to the Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family for them to follow up and check on the child. 
  2. If you are caring for a child who is not your biological child (relative or non-related) you need to approach the Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family that will advise you and follow up if it is required to issue a legal guardianship document for the child from the Slovak authorities. 
  3. If you have or know a child at immediate risk of violence, neglect, exploitation, or abuse, threatening the child’s life and health, the Police (Tel: 158) shall be contacted.  The Police will follow up with the respective Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family. 
  4. If you know a child without anyone caring for and looking after them, you need to inform the Police (Tel: 158), that will further contact the representative of the Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family for further follow-up. 

Please see below the list of Offices of Labour, Social Affairs, and Family (Departments of Social and Legal Protection of Children and Social Curatorship):