Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about education and enrolment in Slovakia 

Key education-related information for Ukrainian families can be found under the following links:

Is school attendance compulsory for all refugee children in Slovakia?

On 30 October 2024, the Slovak Parliament approved important legislative changes. As a result, from the academic year 2025/2026 onwards, all refugee children aged 5-16 years, including children with Temporary Protection (TP) status (“odídenec” / “dočasné útočisko”) in Slovakia, will be required to attend:

Kindergartens in Slovakia (children who will have reached the age of 5 by 31 August),
Primary schools in Slovakia (children who will have reached the age of 6 by 31 August), and
Secondary schools in Slovakia.

Changes effective as of 1 January 2025:

🗓 If a child was granted TP (or the procedure for granting TP has been initiated*) before 31 December 2024: the parent or legal guardian is obliged to take all necessary actions for the child to attend kindergarten, primary school, or secondary school as of 1 September 2025.

🗓 If a child was granted TP (or the procedure for granting TP has been initiated*) between 1 January 2025 and 31 August 2025: the parent or legal guardian is obliged to request enrollment of the child in kindergarten, primary school, or secondary school no later than 1 December 2025.

Changes effective as of 1 September 2025:

🗓 If a child was granted TP (or the procedure for granting TP has been initiated*) after 1 September 2025: the parent or legal guardian is obliged to request enrollment of the child in kindergarten, primary school, or secondary school within three months following the initiation of the procedure for granting TP*.

*The procedure for granting TP initiates with the in-person submission of an application at the Foreign Police (“Cudzinecká polícia”) department. For that, you first need an appointment scheduled in advance through the booking system.

More information can be found on these websites:
🌐 Ministry of Education
🌐 National Institute of Education and Youth

When should I enroll my child?

With school attendance becoming compulsory for refugee children with Temporary Protection status (“odídenec” / “dočasné útočisko”) in Slovakia from the academic year 2025/2026 onwards (➡️ see the Telegram post), parents will be required to enroll their children aged 5-16 years in Slovak kindergartens, primary schools and secondary schools in the upcoming weeks.

It is important to be aware of the following enrolment periods for the different education levels.

Secondary schools (with or without talent assessments)

– Applications must be submitted to the schools BY 20 FEBRUARY.
– Entrance examinations take place in March, April and May (see more information here).

Primary schools

– Enrolment takes place between 1 April and 30 April (exact dates determined by individual schools).


– Enrolment takes place between 1 May and 31 May (exact dates determined by individual kindergartens).

As processes might take time, it is important to be aware of exact enrolment periods, which might vary depending on the school, and to initiate the process as soon as possible to ensure that your child can be enrolled in a timely manner.

How can I enroll my child in a Slovak kindergarten?

▸Kindergartens in Slovakia are usually designed for children aged 3-6 years.

▸Pre-primary education is compulsory during a given academic year for a child who has reached 5 years of age by 31 August (just before the school year starts).

On this website you can find out which kindergarten is assigned to you based on your address. There is a free choice of kindergartens for parents, so you have the right to contact any kindergarten you wish, but it is likely that not all of them will be able to accept your child.

▸ It is advised to directly reach out to the kindergarten of your choice, but you can seek further information and support from the local municipality or the local Family Support and Child Welfare Services. In case you do not speak Slovak, please make sure to have someone accompany you and support you with translation.

Does my child need to be vaccinated to attend kindergarten?

▸ There are different mandatory vaccines for every child in Slovakia depending on their age. It is advised to contact a paediatrician to discuss the vaccination plan for your child.

▸ You might be requested to show a proof of vaccination during the kindergarten enrolment process. If your child has been vaccinated in the past, but you do not have a proof of vaccination, please ask a paediatrician for advice.


How do I enrol my child into a primary school (grades 1-9)?

▸Education is compulsory in Slovakia between the age of 6 and 16.

▸Primary education is provided in primary schools (grades 1-9 between age 6-14), after which children can enter secondary schools (grades 1-4/5/6 between age 14-18/19/20) – including high schools, secondary vocational schools, secondary sports schools, art schools and conservatories.

Primary education and secondary education are free of charge in Slovakia in public institutions (mainly state or church-run). You have the right to choose private institutions, but please note that those are fee-paying.

▸Primary schools are obliged to offer access to their institutions for all children within their educational districts unless they do not have the capacity to do so. In these cases, the child should have access to a neighbouring school.

Compulsory education cannot be fulfilled through unregistered, community-led schools.

On this website you can find out which primary school is assigned to you based on your address. If there is more than one school in your educational district, you can choose the school you prefer among the available options. There is a free choice of school for parents, so you have the right to contact any school you wish, but it is likely that not all of them will be able to accept your child.

▸It is advised to directly reach out to the school of your choice, but you can seek further information and assistance in finding a place for your child from the relevant Regional Office of School Administration (Regionálny úrad školskej správy) in your area. In case you do not speak Slovak, please make sure to have someone accompany you and support you with translation.

How do I enroll my child into a secondary school (grades 10-13)?

On this website you can find out which secondary school is assigned to you based on your address. If there is more than one school in your educational district, you can choose the school you prefer among the available options.

You are advised to contact the secondary schools directly to discuss the enrolment procedures. There is a free choice of school in case of secondary schools, but schools are free to decide on entry criteria.

In case there are challenges in finding a suitable school that can enroll your child, please reach out to the Regional Office of School Administration (Regionálny úrad školskej správy) in your district for support.

Deadlines for Enrollment in SECONDARY SCHOOLS

If your child is currently enrolled in a primary school in Slovakia, you will need to submit the application for secondary school electronically or in paper form to the Director of the current primary school BY 20 FEBRUARY. The Director will then send your application to the selected secondary school by 28 February if the school requires talent assessment*, and by 20 April if the school does not require talent assessment.

If your child is currently NOT enrolled in a primary school in Slovakia, you will need to submit the application for secondary school in paper form directly to the Director of the selected secondary school BY 28 FEBRUARY for schools that require talent assessment* and BY 20 APRIL for schools that do not require talent assessment.

You can find more information in this presentation.

* Schools that require talent assessment: bilingual gymnasiums, business academies with bilingual education, secondary medical schools, secondary sports schools, secondary pedagogical schools, art schools and conservatories.

 Application Forms

Application forms can be downloaded from this website.

Applicants are allowed to apply for two secondary schools or two different study fields at the same secondary school if the school does not require talent assessment. Two additional applications can be made for study fields that require talent assessment.

Secondary schools should be listed on the application form in order of priority, which means that for the school indicated as the first choice, you will be choosing the first round of entrance examinations, and for the school indicated as the second choice, you will be choosing the second round.

 When will Entrance Examinations Take Place?

Entrance examinations will start on 24 March (2nd date: 31 March) for schools that require talent assessment and on 5 May (2nd date: 12 May) for schools that do not require talent assessment.

You can find more information in this document.

 Information about Secondary Schools

Bratislava region
Trnava region
Trenčín region
Nitra region
Žilina region
Banská Bystrica region
Košice region
Prešov region

What documents do I need to enroll my child in school?

Schools may be requesting certain documents for enrolment, which may include the following:

  • Filled-in application document
  • Birth certificate of your child
  • Document indicating the ID of your child (e.g., passport, ID card)
  • Health insurance number of your child (Temporary protection card number may be sufficient)
  • Document indicating your ID (e.g., passport, ID card)
  • Temporary Protection card or another residency card

If you do not have all these documents, please do not be discouraged and make sure to explain your situation to the school management.

What grade will my child attend?

The school director, together with the parents, will decide on the grade in which your child will be enrolled. This decision should be made together with the parents, but the child might also be requested to fill some tests.

Does my child need to be vaccinated to attend school?

There are different mandatory vaccines for every child in Slovakia depending on their age. It is advised to contact a paediatrician to discuss the vaccination plan for your child.

You might be requested to show a proof of vaccination during the school enrolment process. If your child has been vaccinated in the past but you do not have a proof of vaccination, please ask a paediatrician for advice.

How can I enroll in a Slovak university?

In order to enroll in a Slovak university, please approach the university directly. The list of public Slovak universities can be consulted here.

Unfortunately, there is no centralized assistance available at the moment for university placement.


What should I do if I have been accepted in a Slovak university, but have been refused a spot in the university dormitory?

▸For students under the age of 18, you should reach out to your Regional Office of School Administration (“Regionálny úrad školskej správy” – RÚŠS), which can assist you to find accommodation in a high school dormitory.

▸For students over 18, as a first-year foreign student you should have priority for dormitory placement, provided that you applied for a spot at the dormitory in a timely manner (typically in late July or early August) and paid the deposit. Please bear in mind that dormitory capacity is limited, and spots need not be available for all returning students.

As a student, am I allowed to appeal my exam results?

Please refer to your university student handbook (“študijný poriadok”). Typically, a student may ask to retake an exam, and may also request an examination by a committee by filing a request with the Dean of their faculty.

Will my studies in Slovakia be recognized in my country of origin?

The Slovak Republic has international agreements on mutual recognition of documents in the area of higher on education with the Croatian Republic, Hungary, the Federal Republic of Germanythe Republic of PolandRomania, Ukraine, Russian federation and People’s Republic of China. The Slovak Republic has also concluded a Memorandum of Understanding with the Austrian Republic. More information can be found here.

Why should I enroll my child in a Slovak school?

▸Refugee children should best be enrolled in a Slovak school where they can benefit from face-to-face education provided in schools by qualified teachers. Face-to-face education is of higher quality than online education and other forms of remote learning.

▸Attending school allows children to interact with others and socialize with the host community. This has key benefits for mental health and well-being.

▸Through schools, refugee children can access a wide range of services, usually including mental and psychosocial support services, language learning, pedagogical support and pre-and/or post-school time childcare.

▸At school, children learn life skills, which will benefit them in the future, even if they return to their native education system. If displaced for extended periods, children will learn the skills to rebuild their lives while they are displaced. If displaced for a shorter time, skills learned abroad can be validated in the education system of the country of origin.

▸Sending children to school enables parents to pursue employment or other essential activities.

Enrolling children in the Slovak education system is the most sustainable option. Online and other forms of education are often at risk of being discontinued when funding runs out, and sometimes do not offer widely recognized grades or certificates.

Can I keep my child enrolled in the education system of our home country?

▸Enrolling your child in a Slovak school does not prevent you from enrolling him/her in online education following the curriculum of your home country. For example, the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science allows children to continue following online lessons as distance learning students, externships, home education or in an individual educational trajectory. Exams and evaluations are organized online for certain grades.

▸For online education, it is important that children have spaces whey can study onlinepreferably a separate room in the house, or a space in the local school they can use after normal teaching hours of the school. They also need to have access to adequate Wi-Fi and electronic devices to facilitate online learning.

▸Some organizations in Slovakia might offer face-to-face education opportunities in line with the curriculum of your country of origin. Parents should evaluate the quality and continuity of these education options before considering them.

▸Parents should consider the workload of children if they are enrolled in a Slovak school and studying another curriculum at the same time. To the extent possible, subjects that are taught in both Slovakia and the country of origin should be followed only in the Slovak school where the child is enrolled.

▸When complementary forms of education in addition to education in the national school system are considered, parents should ensure that any learning that takes place is recognized and rewarded with official grades or certificates, to protect against their children losing out on credentials and to avoid lack of documentation on academic achievement and skills.

We do not know where in Slovakia we will be living – what shall I do?

Given that school has started already, we advise you to enroll your child at the place of your current residence and, in case you move to another part of Slovakia later, to register your child there once you move. It is very important that your child continues his/her education and does not remain out of school.

What happens if we decide to return to our home country or move to another country?

In case you decide to return to your home country, you can cancel the enrolment in a Slovak school. Please inform the school about your date of departure and request a confirmation about your child’s school attendance.

Can I send my child back to school in our home country if we return?

▸Refugee children who have studied abroad can usually get their learning validated in the education system of their home country once they return. It is crucial that parents keep records of the learning achievements of their children (e.g. report cards, evaluations, grades, diplomas, certificates, etc.).

▸For example, the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science has issued methodological guidance for educational authorities explaining how children returning from abroad can get their learning history abroad validated in Ukrainian schools. It is recommended that families obtain an official document from the Slovak school acknowledging the studies and educational achievements of their children – this will facilitate recognition in Ukraine of their education abroad. More information can be found here.

Where should I report school bullying?

▸In the first instance, bullying should always be reported to the class teacher (“triedny učiteľ”) who is in charge of parent communication and student wellbeing and discipline.

▸If the class teacher fails to address the issue, or is involved in the bullying incident, the incident should be reported to the school principal.

▸If the principal fails to act, the incident can be reported to the state school inspection: Podávanie sťažností – Štátna školská inšpekcia ( complaint to the state inspection can also be made anonymously, but anonymous complaints are harder to investigate and it is up to the inspector general’s discretion whether to act upon anonymous complaints.

Where can I find more education-related information?

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