UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, works to ensure that everyone who has fled violence, persecution or war can be protected and rebuild their lives in Moldova. UNHCR collaborates with the Government of the Republic of Moldova and other international and national organizations to promote and protect the rights of refugees, including their right to not be returned to a country or territory where their lives, integrity and/or freedom are at risk. UNHCR also supports their integration.
Together with partner organizations, UNHCR provides various services and support for refugees, asylum seekers and stateless persons in Moldova, including access to information, legal assistance, accommodation, humanitarian transportation, mental health and psychosocial support, assistance with basic needs, among others.
UNHCR also works with Government institutions at the national and local levels to ensure refugees, asylum seekers and stateless persons’ rights are respected, and to promote their inclusion in public services, labor market and local development and inclusion plans.
To learn more about UNHCR’s activities in Moldova, please see:
- Website: www.unhcr.org/md/
- FB: facebook.com/unhcrmoldova
If you fled your country and you need information and support in Moldova, call for free to the Refugee Response Green Line: 0 800 800 11.
All humanitarian assistance is free.