Are you interested in continuing your journey from Ukraine?
Get to know the EU+ Air Transfer program. The European Union (EU) Member States and associated countries can provide free of charge flights from Moldova and support your registration for Temporary Protection in the EU or you may choose to apply for asylum.
In Moldova, IOM and UNHCR coordinate efforts to make the flights possible. Refugees who have family members in the EU+ countries, or vulnerable persons fleeing Ukraine who have specific needs, can participate in the program. The European Union Asylum Agency (EUAA) can also help answer questions you might have about living in Europe, your rights and benefits.
Pre-enroll now for the EU+ Air Transfers program by:
- completing the online form,
- approaching one of the UNHCR enrolment centers (map of their locations),
- calling the Refugee Response Greenline: 0 800-800-11. For calls from Ukrainian numbers: +373 22 780 071.
This program targets (but is not limited to) the most vulnerable persons fleeing Ukraine, which may include:

You may also enroll if you need support reunifying with a family member who currently lives outside of Ukraine or Moldova.
The process has different stages. You will need to pre-enroll for the program by submitting a request using one of the three methods indicated above. Subsequently, you will be contacted and invited to an interview for full registration. With your prmission, the information will be shared with the European country that you have selected, and they will make the decision for you to be approved to enter their country and determine their options for suitable accommodation for you. Once a final decision has been made, you will be infromed about it, as well as the next steps.

As flights are scheduled upon demand, please enroll in advance and the EU+ Air Transfer team will follow up accordingly. Sometimes the program uses a private charter airplane, however it is more likely that you will fly in a commercial flight which is individually booked by IOM for you. Flights have departed to Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland.
Information about EU+ countries
Click on this link to get familiarized with the countries in which the program is available and for details on the services you will be entitled once you arrive in the country you chose.
For detailed information contact the EU+ Air Transfer team at: +373-699-98-418 or +373-699-98-419 via phone, Telegram, Viber or WhatsApp. They are available Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00, otherwise leave a message on one of the numbers or an e-mail at: [email protected].
Frequently asked questions
1. What is the EU+ Air Transfers program?
The EU+ Air Transfer program is part of a regional solidarity response to assist persons tho have left Ukraine in search of safety and want to relocate to Europe and register for Temporary Protection. The program includes European countries that provide free flights, accommodations, referrals for social and legal services as soon as you arrive to Europe.
2. What if I need help reunifying with a family member in a country that I don’t see on the list?
If you need support to be reunified with a family member in another country, please contact the EU+ Air Transfer team at: +373-699-98-418 or +373-699-98-419 via phone, Telegram, Viber or WhatsApp. They are available Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00, otherwise leave a message on one of the numbers or an e-mail at: [email protected].
3. Who can fly with the program?
Fly under the program can persons that:
- Fled Ukraine on or after the 24 February 2022;
- Have some form of the following identity documentation: foreign passport (biometric or not), internal passport, identity card, birth certificate (for children under 14 years old inclusive).
- Are currently staying in Moldova.
- Are citizens of a third country who have a temporary or permanent residence permit in Ukraine. This program also includes attempts to maintain family unity for cases where family members are citizens of Ukraine and other nationalities.
Depending on the country, other requirements may apply. For detailed information contact the EU+ Air Transfer team at: +373-699-98-418 or +373-699-98-419 via phone, Telegram, Viber or WhatsApp. They are available from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00.
4. I am interested in an air transfer. How can I sign up?
The easiest way to sign up for the program, is to complete the online pre-enrollment form available in Ukranian, Russian, English and Romanian. You can also ask to sign up for the EU+ Air Transfer program at the closest UNHCR enrolment centre.
If you are in Palanca, go to the non-profit Intersos information point to learn more about the program.
If you need assistance or cannot reach a UNHCR enrolment centre, call the Refugee Response Greenline: 0 800 800 11 (for calls from Ukrainian numbers: +373 22 780 071).
5. What is the cost of the flights?
The EU+ Air Transfer program is free of charge. Under no circumstances should you be asked for money or anything else, including sexual favors, in exchange for registering for the program or receiving the airline tickets.
6. I am not Ukrainian, can I take a flight?
Your ability to participate in the program depends on the country you choose and your circumstances; for example, if you are a stateless person or with a residence permit in Ukraine, who lived there before Febraury 24, 2022, or you are part of a family that is participating in the program, etc.
Please contact the EU+ Air Transfer team for personalized advice on your situation and advice on the next steps.
7. I don’t have any documentation, what can I do?
To fly through this program, you need one of the following identity documents:
- foreign passport (biometric or not),
- internal passport,
- identity card,
- birth certificate (for children under 14 y.o. inclusive).
The EU+ Air Transfer team will discuss more with you regarding needed documentation and, if necessary, will refer you to partners for legal assistance in case you don’t meet these requirements.
8. Can I choose which country to travel to?
Yes. You independently choose the country to which you would like to relocate, based on your own preferences, for example: if you know the language of the country or if you have relatives living there. Once you have made your selection, with your permission, we will share the information you provide with the hosting European country for review. They are the ones who decide on your ability to enter their country and determine the availability of space for your further accommodation. If your application is not accepted, you will have the opportunity to choose another country and we will resubmit you.
9. I am alone with my children – my husband, wife or partner is not here – can I travel?
You can travel with the children without the absent biological or legal parent. To leave Moldova, you do not need any documentation from the absent parent. In the future, if you want to be reunited with the absent husband/wife, you can seek support from UNHCR.
10. I have a child with me who is not my biological child, can we travel?
If you are caring for a child who is not your biological or legally adopted child, UNHCR’s Child Protection Unit will conduct an assessment to determine what is in the best interests of the child. This assessment will include an interview with you, the child, all adult family members who live with you, and, in most cases, the child’s parents. If it is determined that the trip is in the best interest of the child and your family, the EU+ Air Transfer program will support you to ensure that all necessary documents for your trip are in place.
In preparation for this you should collect as many of the following documents as possible:
- Child’s identification documents, including birth certificate and passport;
- If you are related to the child, any documents that prove your family relationship (i.e., birth certificates, marriage certificates or passports that prove the relationship between your family and the child);
- Parental permission for the child to travel with you (power of attorney). If possible, this document should be notarized, but if this is not possible, the signatures of both parents and a third-party witness will be enough. The document must contain the name and ID number of the child, the names and ID numbers of the parents, the name and ID number of the person with whom the child is traveling and the signatures of both parents. If both parents cannot sign the document, ask one parent to sign the letter.
- Contact information for both of the child’s parents or legal guardians, if available.
To obtain more detailed information, please contact UNHCR’s Child Protection Unit at: [email protected] .
11. I am under 18, and on my own. Can I travel?
Moldovan law generally does not allow children below age 18 to exit Moldova alone. However, if you are under 18 and are interested in traveling to another country, particularly if it is for the purpose of family reunification, the Child Protection Unit can discuss your individual situation with you and help identify which options might be available.
To obtain more detailed information, please contact UNHCR’s Child Protection Unit at: [email protected].
12. Will other family members be able to join me in the country?
In most circumstances, immediate or dependent family members (spouse, minor unmarried children, parents or other relative living with you) can join you. If you have family reunification needs, let UNHCR know, and they can explore options to support you.
13. How long do I need to wait for a flight?
There is no estimated time, as flights are scheduled upon demand and only after the receiving country approves your application and has secured an appropriate accommodation or, if necessary, a special medical or disability center to receive you.
The whole process starting with your pre-enrollment and ending with your departure may take at least 4 weeks, however it could be less or more time depending on the country.
14. Can I come back to Moldova?
You are free to travel back to Moldova by your own means. To return to Moldova via the Romanian land or air border, you will need to have a valid biometric passport.
15. Can I go back to Ukraine?
If you choose to visit Ukraine, you can do so for a short period of time, up to 90 days. You can also waive temporary protection provided to you by the EU+ country and return to Ukraine at your own expense. Depending on your circumstances in Ukraine and the reason for your retunr, you may receive some support from the EU+ country or organization for your return trip. It is unlikely that you will receive support to return to Ukraine until your return is deemed safe.
16. Who is responsible for organizing the flights?
There are several actors involved in the process. After the chosen EU+ country clears you and your family for onward processing, you will be contacted by IOM. They will begin the pre-departure process, including the health check-up, will secure all transportation needs, and inform you on the flight details. IOM will keep you informed and update you on any flight changes, any requirements regarding luggage, allowance and traveling pets. They can also assist you if you need a wheelchair or stretcher to travel, or help with other medical needs.
If necessary, UNHCR can provide you with a suitcase, travel bag, pet carrier, wheelchair free of charge for your travel.