Attention! All services and assistance of UNHCR and its partners are free of charge!
If you are arriving in Lebanon and cannot return to your home country because of a fear of persecution and a need for international protection as a refugee, you can apply for registration with UNHCR.
⚠️ ATTENTION! The UNHCR Reception Center in Tyre has closed permanently. If you are a refugee residing in the south of Lebanon or in the Nabatiyeh governorate, all future in-person appointments scheduled with UNHCR will take place at the UNHCR Reception Center in Beirut. Remember access to the Reception Center is only granted to those with pre-scheduled appointments. If you cannot come to Beirut, inform UNHCR when you are called to schedule your appointment or contact us for support: Access to all other services for refugees in the south and Nabatiyeh remain unchanged.
ATTENTION! As of 5 May 2015, registration for Syrian nationals has been suspended until further notice. This means they can no longer register and receive a registration certificate from UNHCR. Nevertheless, Syrian nationals can contact UNHCR for counselling. UNHCR and The Ministry of Social Affairs continue to register children born in Lebanon to already registered Syrian parent(s) in a joint procedure, to safeguard family unity.
The suspension of registration does not affect other country nationals (non-Syrians) in Lebanon who wish to seek asylum. If you are from a country other than Syria and would like to register with UNHCR in Lebanon, you need to request a registration appointment.
During the registration interview, UNHCR records, verifies and updates information relating to you and your family such as biographical data, information about any specific needs you or your family might have, and other basic information needed to process relevant documents and assist you better.
Having an active file with UNHCR is equally important for families in receipt of cash assistance as well as for families who currently do not receive cash assistance. In addition, an active file is necessary to access medical services provided by UNHCR and its partners. Not having an active file prior to a hospital visit excludes you from medical coverage.
To keep your file active and updated, it is important you have a verification interview at least once every 24 months.
⬇️Watch this video to learn more about how to get an appointment with UNHCR⬇️
Frequently asked questions
1. How can I make an appointment with UNHCR?⬇️
To request an appointment with UNHCR for an interview, please call the UNHCR National Call Center at 📞04726111 or approach the nearest Khadamaty (only applicable for those who have an active file with UNHCR). To know more about Khadamaty and its locations, please click here.
To learn how to request an appointment through Khadamaty, please watch this video.
There are different appointment types that you can request:
- Create a new file if you and your family members previously never approached UNHCR
- Update information or family relationships within your file (e.g. add a newborn baby or family member, record death of a family member and departure of a family member from Lebanon)
- Renew of UNHCR document
- Update your file through verification interview maximum 24 months after last interview
IMPORTANT! In order to maintain your file with UNHCR active, UNHCR needs to verify the presence of all family members on the file and update the available data at least once every 24 months. It is your responsibility to request a verification appointment in a timely manner, UNHCR as well will try to reach out to you in due time. It is important to keep your contact details up to date to avoid a possible closure of your file.
2. What happens once I make an appointment?⬇️
After you called the UNHCR National Call Center for an appointment or submitted your appointment request through Khadamaty, you will receive an SMS confirmation that your appointment request was successfully recorded.
Thereafter, within one week you will receive another SMS with an indicative time period for when you will be called again by UNHCR for the interview.
One to two weeks before the actual interview, UNHCR will contact you to give you a specific time and date for your appointment.
Watch this video to learn more about how to get an appointment with UNHCR.
3. What should I do on the day of the interview?⬇️
On the day of the interview, you should come with all the family members that you wish to include in your case. You must also bring your identity documents so UNHCR can make a copy if needed.
If you come for a verification interview, it is important that all family members join for the interview. Family members not present for a verification interview can be inactivated on the file.
4. Should I always come to the Reception Center, or can the interview be conducted remotely?⬇️
Most interviews are conducted in-person in the Reception Center. Sometimes, verification interviews can be conducted remotely. Do not hesitate to state your interest for a remote interview when UNHCR contacts you.
Please watch this video to learn more about remote interviews with UNHCR.
5. What happens during the registration interview?⬇️
During your registration interview, you will be interviewed by a UNHCR staff member, who will ask you questions about your basic bio data (name, date and place of birth, etc.), family composition and the reasons why you left your country and feel you cannot return.
During the interview, UNHCR will also take a photo and record your iris scan and/or fingerprints for you and each of your family members.
6. How can I update my file?⬇️
To update your file, to change your contact details (telephone, address or other) or to inform a change in your family composition, please call the UNHCR National Call Center at 📞04726111.
To change your phone number, you can also do it through Khadamaty. To know more about Khadamaty and its locations, please click here.
To learn how to request an appointment through Khadamaty, please watch this video.
It is important to ensure that UNHCR has your updated phone number and it is your responsibility to inform us of any changes to your contact details.
You can always call the UNHCR National Call Center for any questions related to appointments, assistance, or protection concerns.
Remember: it is also your responsibility to call UNHCR to ask for a verification appointment every 24 months. Failing to do so might lead to the inactivation of your file and discontinuation of financial assistance or access to other assistance programs.