Attention! All services and assistance of UNHCR and its partners are free of charge!

Khadamaty is a self-service machine through which you can access some UNHCR services without needing to approach UNHCR Reception Centres or contact the National Call Center.
Through Khadamaty, you can:
- Update your phone number
- Request appointments with UNHCR
- Request a housing attestation
- Self-validate your Red Card
- Undergo biometric verification
➡️Please watch this video to learn what Khadamaty is and can do. ⬅️
For quick tutorials on how to use the Khadamaty services, watch the videos below. ⬇️
➡️Change phone number
➡️Request an appointment
➡️Request housing attestation
➡️Validate your Red Card
1. Where can I find a Khadamaty?⬇️
2. How can I provide feedback or raise a complaint about Khadamaty?⬇️
After using Khadamaty, you can rate your experience on a scale of 1-5 stars (1 representing poor experience and 5 excellent experience). This allows UNHCR to assess and improve your user experience.
To provide more detailed feedback or report any concern related to Khadamaty in a safe and confidential manner, you can:
- Report to the nearest Community Development Center (CDC) or Reception Center staff 🧍🏽,
- Submit a note or letter 🗎 in the complaints boxes at the CDC or Reception Center,
- Call the National Call Center at 📞04726111, or
- Contact through 🗎 the Online Contact Form.
Only submit the same feedback or complaint once. UNHCR keeps a record of all claims reported to us.