Changes to the National Call Center – Automated System 📲

Instead of waiting on hold to speak with an operator, you will immediately hear recorded messages with information. The system will offer you a menu of topics and instructions on how to choose.  You can choose the topic of your question or concern by pressing certain numbers on your phone’s keypad.​

Learn more about these changes by watching this video, clicking each of these buttons, and reading the questions below.

1. What is changing?⬇️

 The NCC will soon introduce an automated system 

  • Instead of waiting on hold to speak with an operator, you will first hear recorded messages with information. You will then need to verify your identity.  
  • Once verified, the system will offer you a menu of topics. Choose the topic of your question by pressing certain numbers on your phone’s keypad. The system will then guide you to information, help to schedule an appointment, or connect you with an operator for assistance. 

2. Why are these changes happening?⬇️

There are several benefits of automation: 

  • You will no longer need to wait on hold 
  • For common questions, to update information, or to schedule appointments, you can self-navigate and access information without waiting for an operator. 
  • By automating responses to common questions, UNHCR can prioritize urgent needs. 

3. What will happen when I call the NCC?⬇️


Check HELP Lebanon or speak to trusted partner staff or a community volunteer. 


STEP 1: Listen to the Welcome Message

Choose to listen in Arabic or English: (For Arabic: Press 1 on your phone, For English: Press 2) 

STEP 2: Verify your identity for your security

You will be asked to enter three numbers. Try to have your case file or barcode near you, and always enter from LEFT to RIGHT. After each step, press #️⃣ to submit: 

  • UNHCR case file or barcode of the principle applicant on the file (DO NOT enter letters)Ex: LEB-1234 — press 1️⃣, then 2️⃣, then 3️⃣, then 4️⃣, then #️⃣  
  • Your phone number (Eight-digit number registered with UNHCR. If you have a new number, you can change it later in the automated system)Ex: 03123456 — press 0️⃣, then 3️⃣, then 1️⃣, then 2️⃣, then 3️⃣, then 4️⃣, then 5️⃣, then 6️⃣, then #️⃣ 
  • Year of birth (Always a 4 digit number, of the principle applicant on the file)Ex: 1973 — press 1️⃣, then 9️⃣, then 7️⃣, then 3️⃣, then #️⃣ 

If any number you enter during verification is incorrect, you will need to enter that number again. All information is kept confidential. 

For more information and help with how to verify, click this button:


STEP 3: Choose your topic from the MAIN MENU

Press the relevant number on your phone:

1️⃣ Cash and food assistance

2️⃣ Requests or appointments related to your UNHCR file

3️⃣ Protection concerns, including thoughts of self-harm

4️⃣ Other services and assistance (health, education, shelter and core relief items, environmental dispute)

5️⃣ To make a complaint of misconduct, including fraud, sexual exploitation and abuse

6️⃣ Phone number or location of services (hospitals, ATMs, Khadamaty, shops)

7️⃣ To update your phone number and address



Listen to the options and select the one that best matches your question. The system will provide you information, schedule an appointment, or connect you to an operator. 

4. How do I verify my identity in the automated system

When you call the National Call Center, the new automated system will ask you to verify your identity for your security. You will be asked to enter three numbers:

  • UNHCR case file number or barcode of the principle applicant on the file
  • Phone number registered with UNHCR
  • Year of birth of the principle applicant on the file

Listen carefully and only press numbers (no letters or dashes)

All information is kept confidential

5. When verifying, I am asked to enter my file number, but the keyboard on my phone does not have letters. What do I do?⬇️

When entering your case file number, do not enter letters or dashes. Only enter numbers. 

Example, if your case file number is LEB-1234, press 1️⃣, then 2️⃣, then 3️⃣, then 4️⃣, then #️⃣  

For more information and help with how to verify, click this button:

6. I called and got a busy signal. How do I connect to the NCC? ⬇️

If you hear a busy signal, all NCC lines are currently busy. Call back until you connect.

If you still cannot reach the NCC, wait a few minutes and then continue to call.

7. What if I have an emergency?⬇️

The NCC is not for emergencies. For emergencies, call a 24/7 emergency hotline: 

  • For police services: call 112 
  • For ambulance services: call Red Cross 140 
  • For hospitalization or life-threatening issues, call NEXtCare 01504020 


8. What if I have an urgent protection issue?⬇️

If you call to report a protection issue or make a complaint, you will be referred to an operator. However, if you select this option to speak to an operator about a different topic or question, the operator will re-direct you to the MAIN MENU. 

9. What if I only want to speak to an operator?⬇️

Whether your request for assistance is recorded by the automated system or referred to an operator, you will have a chance to speak to UNHCR staff during a follow-up call, if needed. 

  • If a request for assistance is recorded by the automated system, it will be shared with UNHCR, and UNHCR will process your request. If needed, you will then receive a follow-up call from UNHCR. During this follow-up call, you can speak to UNHCR staff.  
  • Certain issues, including urgent or sensitive protection concerns and complaints, may be referred directly to an operator. Operators will ask additional questions to better record your request and share it with UNHCR. Once UNHCR has processed your request, you will receive a follow-up call from UNHCR, if needed. During this follow-up call, you can speak to UNHCR staff.  
  • If you select certain responses in order to speak to an operator about a non-urgent topic or question, the operator will re-direct you back to the MAIN MENU.

10. How do I go back to the main menu?⬇️

To return to the Main Menu, press *️⃣ 

To return to the Service Menu, press 9️⃣ 

To listen to a message again, press 0️⃣

To confirm an entry, if asked, press #️⃣ 

11. How can I familiarize myself with the new automated system?⬇️

UNHCR has made a video to guide you on the new system. It is available on HELP Lebanon (link).  

You can also speak to partner staff and community volunteers or visit a community center.  

Review this page, watch this video, and click on the below buttons for more information:

How to navigate?

How to verify?

12. Are there options besides the National Call Center to contact UNHCR?⬇️























Yes! There are many ways to contact UNHCR

  • Visit HELP Lebanon for information on services and assistance 
  • Message the Online Contact Form on HELP Lebanon
  • Come to a Community Center (Locations on HELP Lebanon/‘Community Development Centers’) 
  • Write a non-urgent message in a complaint box at a community center or reception center 
  • Speak to a trusted partner or community volunteer

🎗️Protection from Fraud/Exploitation🎗️

  • Remember: All humanitarian assistance is free of charge.
  • Your personal information and identity documents should always be kept safe and confidential. Only share personal information with trusted aid agencies or authorities if asked.
  • If you are being offered humanitarian assistance (including resettlement) in exchange for money: Pause, reflect, walk away, verify with UNHCR.