Irregular Journeys – Understanding the Risks  

📣This message is shared though the UNHCR WhatsApp communication📣

Before deciding to embark on an irregular journey from Lebanon, consider the serious risks involved for you and your family. Smugglers often do not tell the truth about the many risks in the journey. They are motivated by profit and do not care about your safety. 

  • If in doubt about an offer you hear about or see on social media or untrusted websites: pause, reflect, and try to verify.
  • Know that even if you manage to reach another country, you might be returned to Lebanon or your country of origin if you do not have a visa. This also applies if you initially travelled legally to another country.
  • Once you leave Lebanon, you may be issued with a re-entry ban and deported when returned to Lebanon. 

What you are about to watch, is based on the personal testimony of a man who lost everything at the hands of smugglers.

For more information on risks associated with irregular journeys by sea or land, please visit the Risks of Irregular Travel on the UNHCR Lebanon HELP website.

If you are thinking of embarking on an irregular journey, consider reaching out to UNHCR for confidential counseling at 📞04726111. Remember that all services and assistance by UNHCR and its partners are free of charge.