Family Reunification

If you were separated from your family before or during your departure from your country of origin or after coming to Indonesia, you may be able to join them in the country where your family member is residing. 

What is refugee family reunification? 

Family reunification brings together family members living in different countries. Many countries around the world have special provisions to help immediate family members (usually spouses and minor children) stay together. Refugees in Indonesia with immediate family members in one of those countries may be able to apply to reunite with their family members in that country. 

Who manages family reunification programs? 

Family reunification programs are managed by the individual country that has established the program. That country also sets the criteria to access family reunification. Criteria may be slightly different in each country. 

Applications to access these programs are not submitted through UNHCR, but through the procedure established by the country in which your family member lives. 

Can I apply for family reunification? 

Family reunification must be initiated by your family member in the third country. If you think you may be eligible, please encourage your family member to explore the process in that country. 

Whether you are eligible for family reunification depends on the criteria put in place by the country in which your family member lives, including the type of legal status they are granted in the country of their residence (citizen, refugee, temporary protection status or other) and the nature of your relationship. 

Most countries allow for spouses, parents of minor children and dependent children to reunify in that country.  In some countries, other dependent family members can also apply.  

Be mindful that specific deadlines and procedures apply, depending on the country where your family member resides. 

Which countries have family reunification programs for refugees? 

Dedicated refugee family reunification procedures exist in many countries. 

For information on country-specific criteria and how to apply, please go to the UNHCR Help Pages and search for the “Family Reunification” section of the destination country. 

Links to information on some family reunification programs are below: 

If you are seeking information about a family reunification program in a country that is not listed on one of UNHCR’s national HELP pages, please search for “family reunification” on the government website of the destination country.