You can find the addresses of the registration sites where you can come to enroll in the cities below.
Assistance Center in Bottova / Blue Dot
Address: Bottova 7, 81109
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 8am – 4pm
Wednesday: 8am to 12pm
Friday: Closed
Nitra COMIN Blue Dot
Address: Cintorínska 5, 94901
Kindly note that you can visit the site only upon booking an appointment in 0947 924 752 and 0947 924 753.
Dunajská Streda
Dunajská Streda Mobile Blue Dot
Address: Alžbetínske námestie 1194/1 , 929 01 (3rd floor)
Kindly note that you can visit the site only upon booking an appointment in
Support and information centre for refugees
Address: Horný Val 67/24 01001 (Entrance from: Makovického 15)
Monday to Friday: 8am – 4pm
Kindly note that you can visit the site only upon booking an appointment in 0947 924 754.