Health care

If you have temporary protection in Romania, you are entitled to the services mentioned below, based on the EU and national legislation. Please note that the regulation does not include any restrictions on timing, and that the services mentioned below are free of charge. 

What do I do if I have a medical emergency? 

For medical emergencies you can contact: 

  • the single emergency number 112, which is available nationwide and can be called from all public telephone networks. Calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can be processed in several international languages and in the languages of national minorities; 
  • family doctors (whether or not you are registered with a family doctor); 
  • specialist doctors in specialist outpatient clinics under contract with health insurance companies. 
  • medical services for medical and surgical emergencies allow direct referral to the outpatient specialist doctor without the need for a referral note;
  • emergency structures (UPU/CPU, on-call room) in health units with beds. 

What is a family doctor and how can I register with one? 

The family doctor is the patient’s first contact with the health system. Primary care services are based on the ongoing relationship between the doctor and the person on their list. 

Everyone has the opportunity to register with a family doctor of their choice. 

They can also choose to change from their list of patients after at least 6 months from the date of registration. 

The services provided by your family doctor are included in the basic package: curative and preventive health care, home consultations, administration of medicines, and a range of additional services which your family doctor can provide if he or she has the necessary training and equipment. 

Curative health services include services for medical emergencies as well as consultations for acute (including minor surgery or specific manoeuvres), sub-acute and chronic conditions. 

What rights do I have in terms of access to healthcare? 

You can benefit from: 

  • medical services, medical supplies, medicines and medical devices provided under the social health insurance system in Romania, without payment of the social health insurance contribution, the personal contribution for medicines provided in outpatient treatment and with exemption from the co-payment (for services for which this is provided);
  • medical services in specialist outpatient care for clinical specialities included in the basic package of services are provided without the need to present the referral slip, which is a special form used in the Romanian social health insurance system;
  • under the national curative health programmes run by the National Health Insurance House, you can benefit from medicines, health materials, medical devices and medical services, like the Romanian insured, without paying the social health insurance contribution, the personal contribution for medicines provided in outpatient treatment and with exemption from the co-payment, as follows: 
    • National cardiovascular disease programme;
    • National Oncology Programme;
    • National diabetes programme;
    • National programme for the treatment of neurological diseases;
    • National haemophilia and thalassaemia treatment programme;
    • National programme for the supplementation of renal function in patients with chronic renal failure;
    • National programme for intensive therapy of liver failure, etc.

How can I access prescription treatments for chronic diseases? 

Family doctors provide regular consultations for insured persons with chronic illnesses on an appointment basis and are given for follow-up therapy, to monitor the progress of the illness and its complications. Patients with chronic illnesses can have one consultation per month at the family doctor’s office or remotely. Consultations provided by the family doctor for patients with chronic diseases can also be provided at home.

Specialists in the specialist outpatient clinic provide patients with chronic conditions with 4 consultations per quarter, with a maximum of 2 consultations per month, for services involving assessment of the patient and laboratory investigations, prescription of treatment and monitoring of the course of the disease. Consultations for chronic conditions may also be carried out remotely, by any means of communication, and are exempt from the obligation to present a referral note from the general practitioner or another specialist. Documents resulting from consultations will be sent to the patient by electronic means of communication.

Only doctors in a contractual relationship with a health insurance company (family doctor or specialist doctor, outpatient or hospital) can issue medical prescriptions with medicines that are paid for by the social health insurance system and to which you are entitled as a Romanian insured person.
Your doctor may issue you with an electronic prescription for the medicines reimbursed by the social health insurance system, which are dispensed by community pharmacies, for the conditions from which you suffer at the end of your consultation or when you leave hospital.

For narcotic and psychotropic preparations, your doctor will issue a special prescription (yellow for narcotic drugs or green for psychotropic drugs) which is dispensed by community pharmacies.
For chronic conditions, the medicines on the electronic prescription/special regime prescription can be collected from the pharmacy within 30 days and you do not owe a personal contribution when they are dispensed.

Non-prescription medicines are not reimbursed by the health insurance system.
Certain medicines can only be prescribed by specialist doctors in an outpatient clinic or hospital and only for certain indications, in accordance with therapeutic protocols.

Certain medicines for high-risk chronic conditions included in the national curative health programmes are administered exclusively in the context of continuous or day hospitalisation (e.g. parenteral medicines for cancer, medicines for multiple sclerosis, medicines for some rare diseases).

Are pregnant women followed during pregnancy? Where? 

Pregnant women can benefit: 

  • Consultations with the family doctor to monitor the progress of pregnancy and lactation; 
  • First trimester check-ups (1 consultation); 
  • Monthly monitoring from the 3rd to the 7th month (1 consultation/month); 
  • Twice-monthly surveillance from month 7 to month 9 (2 consultations/month); 
  • Follow-up of the mother on discharge from maternity – at home (1 consultation); 
  • Follow-up of the mother 4 weeks after birth – at home (1 consultation); 
  • At the specialist obstetrics-gynaecology doctor in the specialist outpatient clinic for consultations to monitor the progress of pregnancy and lactation (one consultation for each trimester of pregnancy and one consultation in the first trimester after childbirth. Pregnant women can go directly to the specialist doctor to receive these services without a referral note).

The following services may be provided at the level of specialist outpatient clinics for obstetrics and genecology and at the level of health units with beds that conclude contracts with the health insurance companies for the provision of specific diagnostic medical services for pregnant women: 

  • Supervision of a normal pregnancy (in pregnant women who do not have medical documents proving the existence of rubella, toxoplasmosis, CMV infection in their personal pathological history);  
  • Surveillance of a normal pregnancy (in which the pregnant woman has medical documentation of rubella, toxoplasmosis, CMV infection in her personal pathological history); 
  • Prenatal screening (11-19 weeks + 6 days); 
  • Surveillance of other high-risk pregnancies – At the level of health units with beds – where hospital services can be provided on a day hospital or continuous hospital basis. 

Pediatric Oncology 

If you are the parent, relative or friend of a Ukrainian child with cancer in need of medical assistance, visit Ukraine Child Cancer Help.  

Reproductive health services 

If you need support in accessing reproductive health services (contraception, breastfeeding, STD prevention, pregnancy monitoring, abortion, etc.) as well as help navigating the health care system or need services dedicated to victims of domestic violence, go here:

Through a WHO project implemented by Action Sante Fammes at Romexpo and Galati Blue Dot conducts reproductive awareness sessions and medical consultation for pregnant women. Their services are free of charge and can be accessed by appointment through a message sent to the following phone number +40(746)781971 

HIV counselling  

If you arrive in Romania and need HIV psycho-medico-social services, visit  
You can be registered and receive HIV medical care in one of the 10 Regional HIV Centres ready to receive refugees from Ukraine. 
In the 10 Regional HIV Centres you will receive the same antiretroviral treatment that you have been receiving in Ukraine. You will also be able to benefit from treatment monitoring through specific blood tests.