What are the main changes to the cash assistance programme? Why are these changes being implemented now? (…)

1. What are the main changes to the cash assistance programme?

The main change involves adjusting the criteria for qualifying refugees to receive cash assistance to ensure that the available support reaches those who are most in need. This includes conducting the assessment interviews for all refugees receiving cash assistance. As a result of the assessment, some refugees who used to receive cash assistance will no longer continue receiving it 

2. Why are these changes being implemented now?

Two years into the refugee emergency, the amount of humanitarian funding available for the refugee response is going down. As a result, UNHCR needs to ensure that the limited resources that it has available are directed towards the most vulnerable refugees. The cash assistance programme for refugees aims to ensure refugees can meet their basic needs in the short term as they integrate into the local community, find employment, and support their families through their resources. UNHCR understands that there is a broad need for financial assistance, but is not able to maintain the degree of support that it has provided in the past.  

3. I have received an SMS indicating that I am invited for an assessment and verification interview. What is this? Should I attend this interview?

Yes, it is important that you attend the interview. 

UNHCR is adjusting the criteria for refugees to receive cash assistance. This is to ensure that available support reaches those who are most in need. For this purpose, we need to conduct the assessment interview with everyone currently receiving cash assistance. Additionally, the interview will also serve as a regular verification interview. Failure to attend may result in a loss of cash assistance in subsequent months. 

4. The message says that I and my family members are invited to an assessment and verification interview. We recently underwent a verification interview. Do we still need to attend this one?

Yes, kindly make sure that you attend the interview. This interview serves as both an assessment and a verification exercise. 

5. I or some of my family members missed the interview, what should I do?

If you or one of your family members missed the assessment/verification interview, then you can call the cash assistance helpline number 080010823 or approach a cash enrolment centre to ask for a new interview date. Please be informed that you will be asked for the reasons for your no-show for the initial appointment 

6. Do I need to attend the interview with my entire family, or is just the head of the family sufficient?

You must attend with all family members currently registered for cash assistance and currently residing in the Republic of Moldova. 

7. I heard from my friends, relatives etc. that UNHCR is inviting other refugees receiving cash assistance to an interview. I have not received a similar SMS, what should I do?

If you haven’t received an SMS yet, don’t worry UNHCR will be inviting all refugees receiving cash assistance for the assessment, and it may take some time to reach everyone. Please ensure that your phone is turned on and accessible. If you have changed the phone number that you have registered with UNHCR, please update it by calling the cash assistance helpline number 080010823.

8. What will happen in the interview?

UNHCR and partner organizations will ask you a set of questions to better understand your current situation and determine your level of vulnerability. That may include but is not limited to a combination of different factors such as your family composition, accommodation, health, specific needs, and ability to earn income.  

9. What documents do we need to bring to the cash enrollment centres for the interviews?

Please bring your essential documents such as any ID document provided by the Government of Moldova (Temporary protection identity card, asylum-seeker certificate, refugee status beneficiary ID, stateless status ID, stateless applicant certificate, humanitarian protection ID, resident permit), national passport, national ID card, birth certificate, medical reports (if any), disability certificate (even is expired) etc. 

10. What will happen if I refuse to participate in the assessment interview?

It is your choice whether or not to participate in the assessment interview. Please note, however, that the assessment will be made for all current cash beneficiaries based on available information. The assessment allows you to fully explain your needs and capacities regarding accommodation, health, socio-economic status, and necessities, so it is in your interest to attend. This information is essential to allow for a full consideration of your family’s eligibility for cash assistance. 

Your decision to answer questions is fully based on your consent and will be respected. Just remember, the more information you provide, the better UNHCR can understand and determine your family’s eligibility for assistance. All information collected will be CONFIDENTIAL. Also, if there is any sensitive information you wish to share, trained staff from the cash enrollment centre’s protection desks will be available to discuss this with you in a confidential space. 

11. What are the eligibility criteria for receiving cash assistance?

UNHCR uses a scoring system to assess vulnerabilities and needs. Assistance is prioritized for those deemed most vulnerable. 

12. I had the assessment interview, when will I receive a reply if I am eligible/ineligible for further payments?

You will receive an SMS in June informing you of your continued eligibility for the programme 

13. If I am found to be no longer eligible for UNHCR’s cash programme, when will my cash support end?

As communicated previously in December 2023, UNHCR has planned to change the eligibility criteria in the first quarter of 2024. UNHCR expects to begin discontinuing cash support for those found ineligible for its programme under the new eligibility criteria as of June 2024. It is therefore extremely important that you begin to plan now for the possibility that you will be found ineligible for continued support. 

14. What can I do if I believe the decision regarding my continued eligibility for the cash support programme is wrong?

It is important to understand that a decision to discontinue cash support does not mean that you are not considered vulnerable or that you do not need financial supportIt simply means that other refugees in the country have greater vulnerabilities and need the cash support more. UNHCR needs to focus its available resources on these individualsIf you believe, however, that you did not have an opportunity to raise an important factor in your case during your assessment interview, you can inform UNHCR at Complaint Online Form.  UNHCR and its partners will review the information provided and follow up as needed.  

15. I was previously enrolled in UNHCR’s cash assistance programme for refugees before but was excluded from the programme as I did not secure legal status in the Republic of Moldova. Can I participate in the assessment interview?

No. Unless you arrived in Moldova within the past two months, you need to secure a legal status in the Republic of Moldova to be eligible for UNHCR cash assistance unless you are unable to do so for reasons beyond your control. Once you have obtained a legal status, you may be considered for assistance based on the new eligibility criteria. The legal status in Moldova includes temporary protection, asylum-seeker, refugee status, stateless applicants and status holders, persons with humanitarian protection and persons with other residence permits.   

16. I or someone in my family either has Moldovan citizenship or dual Moldovan/Ukrainian citizenship and am currently receiving cash assistance due to our displacement from Ukraine. Will I be called for an assessment interview?

YesAll individuals currently benefiting from UNHCR’s cash assistance programme will be called for a vulnerability assessment interview Those individuals with Moldovan citizenship or with dual Moldovan/Ukrainian citizenship who meet the new eligibility criteria will continue to receive UNHCR cash support as efforts are undertaken to transition them to other available support programmes  

17. I arrived in the Republic of Moldova recently, and I had my enrollment interview, but no additional interview has been conducted with me. What should I do?

Newcomers are entitled to receive two months of assistance to help them settle into the country. During these two months, you will be invited for an assessment interview to determine your eligibility for ongoing assistance. Additionally, it’s important to secure legal status in the country during this period. If you encounter difficulties in obtaining legal status due to circumstances beyond your control, you can seek support from protection desks located in the cash enrolment centres. 

18. I am caring for a child who is not my biological child. What should I do?

All members of your household, including all children you are caring for, should come with you to your assessment interview. If you are caring for a child who is not your biological child or legally adopted child, please bring any paperwork you have showing that you have a legal responsibility to care for the child, such as a power of attorney document, if you have it. A colleague from the Protection Desk will talk to you and the child to better understand your situation, your relationship, and any support you may need.  

19. I cannot travel to a cash enrolment centre because of my disability and/or medical condition.

If you are a person with disabilities and/or severe medical conditions and you are unable to approach a cash enrolment centre, please call: 0 800 10 823 to request a home visit and the team will conduct the assessment directly at your place of residence. If, one member of the family is a person with disability and/or has a severe medical condition the entire household can conduct the assessment at home together. 

20. Do you expect any further changes to UNHCR’s cash assistance programme in the future?

UNHCR will continue to assess its cash assistance programme for refugees considering available resources and other developmentsUNHCR will keep refugees informed of any planned changes as needed