Tertiary Education

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Below you will find information about tertiary education including registration procedure, documents for enrollment, details about the equivalence process and enrollment fees.

1. Is it possible for me to enroll or resume my education at university in Lebanon? ⬇️

Yes. If you are residing in Lebanon, have successfully completed the official secondary level (Grade 12) in Lebanon (الثانوية العامة اللبنانيّة) or its equivalent level of education, and meet admission requirements, you are eligible to enroll in public or private accredited universities within Lebanon.

For the list of universities, please visit this page.

2. What documents are required to enroll in university? ⬇️

To complete the registration process, you will need to provide the following documents:

  • Valid ID document
  • Official Grade 12 transcript validated by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Lebanon, or equivalence certificate, provided by the equivalence committee in the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Lebanon (Please see Question 4 and 5 below for details on the equivalence process).
  • Language proficiency certificate (Depending on universities and major of study)

*Please contact the university you intend to apply to directly for more information on the documents they require to consider your admission.

3. What is the timeline and procedure for university application and enrolment? ⬇️

The application deadlines and enrollment dates vary from one university to another. Certain universities may require you to take an entrance exam.

You are advised to contact the university you are interested in for accurate and up-to-date information about the specific enrollment dates, application procedures and registration process.

4. What is the equivalence process? ⬇️

If you hold a general secondary education certificate issued by a governmental entity in a foreign country and you wish to pursue your higher education in Lebanon, you must first request a determination of grade equivalence from the Equivalence Committee in the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Lebanon, before registering with a higher education institution.

To request equivalence, you must submit the following documents to the Ministry of Education and Higher Education Equivalence Committee:

For students who wish to enter a bachelor program

  • Brevet certificate
  • General Certificate of Secondary Education with a mention of success

For students who wish to enter a master’s program

  • A certified copy of the bachelor’s degree certificate
  • A certified transcript of all academic years and a certified transcript of your bachelor’s degree

If the academic documents were not issued in Lebanon, the following steps must be taken first.

Step 1: Obtain validation and stamp on original documents and two official copies from the Ministry of Education and Higher Education and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the country where studies were completed.

Step 2: Obtain validation and stamp on the above documents by your relevant embassy in Lebanon.

Step 3: Obtain a stamp on the above documents from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Lebanon.

Submit all of completed documents and administrative fees, with an application form, directly to the Secretariat of the Equivalence Committee at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education or through Liban Post.

5. What if I lack one or more of the documents required to access university? Who should I reach out to? ⬇️

The required documents are essential to enroll in certified universities in Lebanon. We advise you to obtain all authenticated documents as soon as possible.

If you do not have any of these required documents, please consider directly contacting the admission office of the university you intend to apply for. Some universities might offer alternative options or solutions if you have missing documents.

6. Is a residency permit necessary for university enrollment? ⬇️

Yes. In accordance with Lebanese regulations, you may be required to present a valid residency permit when seeking enrollment in a university. If you do not have a valid residency permit, we recommend:

  • Contacting the university or the scholarship program you are interested in to ask about any alternative options.
  • Contacting the UNHCR National Call Center at 📞04726111 to schedule an appointment for legal counselling.

7. Do I need a foreign language proficiency to access university education? ⬇️

The minimum proficiency requirements for foreign languages vary between universities and among different majors of studies.

Please contact your chosen university to ask about their requirements for foreign language proficiency.

Many institutions offer foreign language classes across Lebanon. For more information, please visit the websites below:

  1. American Lebanese Language Center (English and other languages)
  2. AMIDEAST (English)
  3. British Council (English)
  4. Instituto Cervantes (Spanish)
  5. Goethe Institute (German)
  6. Institut Français (French)

8. Do I need to pay for university enrollment? ⬇️

Enrolling in public university is not free of charge in Lebanon. Non-Lebanese, including refugee students wishing to attend a public university, are required to pay registration and tuition fees at the beginning of the academic year. Please contact to your chosen public university for information on their admission fees.

At private universities, registration and tuition fees are paid per semester. For more information, please contact the registration department of the university you are interested in. Please keep in mind that fees can differ between universities and across various fields of study within the same university.

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