Access to Education

Attention! All services and assistance of UNHCR and its partners are free of charge!

Importance notice: Registration for the 2024-2025 School Year

  • School registration: Please approach the nearest second-shift school to register your child. MEHE will decide how many second shift schools to open based on the number of students registered by18 December. See MEHE’s list of second shift schools below.
  • For families with valid residency permits or UNHCR certificates: If your children were enrolled in formal education in Lebanon last year or are five years old and ready to join KG3 or Grade 1, register them in the nearest school for second-shift classes before 18 December.
  • For families holding a UNHCR barcode: Approach the nearest second-shift school to add your children’s names to MEHE’s waiting list. More guidance will be provided by MEHE soon.
  • For families with no residency permits and expired UNHCR certificates: If your child is eligible for enrolment in second-shift schooling, request a renewal of your UNHCR certificate via the HELP Online Contact Form at, through the NCC at 📞04726111, or by notifying UNHCR education partners via ECL volunteers. UNHCR will review these requests and propose a renewal appointment.

If you are under 18, find more resources just for you at

➡️ See the list of second shift schools

All children, including refugees, asylum-seekers, and stateless children have the right to education. UNHCR together with UNICEF and UNESCO advocates for access to quality and inclusive education for all children and youth living in Lebanon. The Ministry of Education and Higher Education of Lebanon oversees public and private education.

In Lebanon, English, French and Arabic are taught from pre-school. For mathematics and science, English or French are the compulsory languages of instruction across all schools. Education is compulsory for children aged 3 to 14. 

Please note that this page will be continually updated and more information on basic education, tertiary education and Technical Vocational Education and Training will be available soon.

Related Information

Please see the list of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) schools, the list of public schools and second-shift schools in Lebanon through the links below.

List of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Schools
List of Public Schools in Lebanon
List of Second-Shift Schools in Lebanon