Changes to Healthcare Coverage for Persons Known to UNHCR beginning 1 June 2024

📣This message is shared though the UNHCR WhatsApp communication📣

Due to reduced global funding, UNHCR will reduce healthcare coverage for persons known to UNHCR. Limited funds will be prioritized for interventions that are likely to have the greatest impact for patients.

As of 1 June 2024, the following changes will be introduced:

  • Persons known to UNHCR in need of hospitalization care (other than deliveries) will pay an increased percentage of the hospital bill. This includes the initial admission fee of 100 USD, plus 40% of the remaining hospital bill. For example, if the total bill for admission is USD 1,000, you will now pay an initial 100 USD + 360 USD (40% of the remaining USD 900).
  • Only deliveries (at 50% of total cost), neonatal, and pediatric care and imminent threats to life or limb will be supported. All other healthcare, including elective care and support for chronic conditions, will no longer be supported.
  • Maximum support for high-cost medical interventions will be reduced.
  • UNHCR will only provide healthcare coverage to those that seek treatment at UNHCR-contracted hospitals. Patients seeking services outside of the UNHCR network will not be covered, even under emergency situations. 

Contact NEXtCARE at 📞01504020:

  • If you need emergency healthcare and face difficulties being admitted to hospital,
  • To seek approval for UNHCR coverage of your hospital care,
  • To know which hospitals, provide services supported by UNHCR,
  • If you have a refugee certificate or barcode but the hospital says your case is not covered by UNHCR,
  • For information on child delivery fees per hospital, or
  • To report an issue during your stay in hospital.
  • For information on access to primary healthcare services and hospitalization, visit the Health page of the HELP Lebanon website at

Remember: all UNHCR and NEXtCARE services are ALWAYS free-of-charge. You are only required to pay contracted hospitals for your share of your hospital bill.