Family reunification

If you were separated from your family before, during or after coming to Algeria, you may be able to join them in the country where your family is residing.

Who is managing family reunification programmes?

Please note that family reunification programmes, and who might qualify for them, are set and managed by individual countries.

Applications to access these programs are not submitted through UNHCR, but through the procedure established by the country where your family members live.

What is the procedure to submit applications for family reunification?

Family reunification must be initiated by the family member in the third country. Your family should approach the local authorities in the country of their residence.

Whether you can ultimately join your family depends on the type of legal status they are granted in the country of their residence (refugee, temporary protection status or other) and the nature of your relationship.

Please visit the following links for more information:

For information from other countries, please visit the Global Help website.