

What is Resettlement? ⬇️

Resettlement is a solution that enables refugees to move from their country of asylum to another country, where they will receive protection and assistance. UNHCR works with third countries to find durable solutions for the most vulnerable refugees who are facing protection risks in the country of asylum.

It is important to know that Resettlement is not a right or an automatic process after the recognition of your refugee status by UNHCR.

Do all refugees get resettled? ⬇️

No! Resettlement to a third country depends on the available spaces offered and admission criteria set by receiving countries.

With limited quotas available for resettlement each year, UNHCR Thailand and the resettlement countries prioritize refugees based on vulnerabilities and protection needs.

Resettlement consideration is not based on the amount of time a refugee has been in Thailand, and there is no “queue” for resettlement.  Instead, UNHCR Thailand works to identify refugees who are most in need because of serious protection issues or other significant vulnerabilities.

Why is resettlement limited? ⬇️

Resettlement countries offer only a limited number of places every year, meaning less than 1% of the global refugee population will get the opportunity for this. There are simply far more refugees in Thailand than places available for resettlement.

Therefore, it is crucial to understand that most refugees in Thailand may never get resettled.

➡️ Visit UNHCR’s website for more information on Resettlement.

Can an asylum-seeker be resettled? ⬇️

No, only recognized refugees can be resettled. However, being a recognized refugee does not mean you will be resettled.

Can I choose where I will be resettled? ⬇️

No. UNHCR considers all relevant factors before deciding on the resettlement country to which your case will be submitted, including your family situation, family links in third countries, and the resettlement quotas available in the resettlement countries.

The final decision on whether or not to accept the case rests with the resettlement country.

If UNHCR submits my case to a third country, how long will it take to get a decision, and how soon can I depart to a third country? ⬇️

Each resettlement country has its own criteria and decision-making process, and each case is different. Some refugees get a decision in 6 months while others wait for years. Therefore, it is difficult to give a timeframe.

If I have an active resettlement case and I request to split or merge my case, does that influence my resettlement process? ⬇️

Please be aware that if your file is currently under resettlement consideration, any requests to merge/split a person in/from your case will cause your resettlement case to be placed on hold until a decision has been reached on your merge/split request.

Who makes the final decision on my case for resettlement? ⬇️

The final decision is made by the resettlement country.

How can I check the status of my resettlement case with UNHCR? ⬇️

If you have had a resettlement interview and have questions or updates, you can contact UNHCR.  However, due to the large number of cases that the Resettlement Unit manages, the office may not be able to give feedback on your case all the time.  In general, be patient, and you will be contacted whenever there is a new development in your case.

If six months  have passed since the last time you received feedback on your case, you can enquire about the status of your case through [email protected]

If you have a resettlement case with the United States of America, Australia or Canada, you can also contact the country’s resettlement program directly:

*IMPORTANT*  If UNHCR has never contacted you for a Resettlement interview, you do not have a resettlement case, and there are no updates UNHCR or any Embassy can provide.  

Resettlement is not an automatic “next step” after being recognized as a refugee.  The resettlement country decides on resettlement slots, and there are many more refugees than resettlement slots available.  UNHCR prioritizes refugees with the most serious vulnerabilities and protection needs for resettlement consideration.

There is no “queue” for resettlement consideration; only those refugees interviewed for Resettlement are considered to have a resettlement case.

Should I pay for Resettlement? ⬇️

Anyone who says they can influence UNHCR with respect to resettlement on your behalf for a fee or other consideration is committing fraud.

Some scams also seek a fee from refugees to support “private sponsorships” or other non-UNHCR-initiated resettlement/migration programs.

At no point should you be asked to pay for any services provided by UNHCR or its partners.


➡️ Please inform UNHCR if you are aware of any fraudulent activities. Your report will be treated with strict confidentiality.

See also: