Education Opportunities

Are there Scholarships available for Refugees?


DAFI Tertiary Scholarship Programme

The DAFI (Albert Einstein German Academic Refugee Initiative) scholarship programme offers qualified refugee the possibility to earn an undergraduate degree in their country of asylum or home country. Through the dedicated support of the governments of Germany, Denmark and the Czech Republic, UNHCR and private donors, the programme has supported over 18,000 young refugees to undertake tertiary studies since 1992. 

➡️To learn more, please visit the DAFI programme FAQs.

If you are registered with UNHCR Thailand and would like to learn more about the DAFI programme in Thailand, please register for counselling with UNHCR.

Other Scholarship Opportunities for Refugees

UNHCR has a platform of scholarship opportunities for Refugees that helps you to find accredited higher education academic or scholarship programmes verified by UNHCR to allow you to pursue advanced study, skills and professional development.

➡️ Access UNHCR’s Scholarship Opportunities for Refugees platform

See also: