Obligations of Applicants for International Protection in Poland

After submitting an application for international protection, all asylum-seekers must:

  • Remain in the territory of Poland until a final decision on international protection is issued.
  • Inform the Office for Foreigners about each change of place of residence
  • Refrain from working in the first 6 months
  • Consent to fingerprinting and photographing, medical examinations, and inspections
  • Report to the Head of the Office for Foreigners for the interview and follow all procedures and deadlines

Asylum-seekers outside of detention:

  • Must report to a reception center (in Biała Podlaska or Podkowa Leśna) run by the Department for Social Assistance within 2 days of submitting their claim. Border Guard will indicate to which reception center you are referred.
You must go to a reception center, even if you do not need Poland’s social assistance.
If an asylum-seeker does not report to a reception facility within two days of filing the application, their international protection claim will be cancelled.

Resources: The Office for Foreigners web page:
Available in Polish, Russian and English: https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc-en/free-information-and-legal-assistance

See also: