Employment Pathways

What are Employment Pathways?

Employment pathways, otherwise known as labour mobility opportunities, are safe and regulated avenues that allow qualified refugees to enter or stay in another country to work, providing them with the right to either permanent or temporary residence. Thanks to these pathways, refugees can be safely admitted to a third country based on a concrete job offer or specific sector labour shortages while having their protection needs met and their rights safeguarded.

Labour mobility programs can be part of traditional immigration systems adapted to facilitate the admission of refugees with requisite skillsets. They may also include temporary and permanent skilled entry arrangements aimed at supporting refugees.

Talent Beyond Boundaries is a private non-profit organization that connects employers with refugees and works directly with governments to open skilled migration pathways for refugees.

To check available opportunities, please visit Talent Beyond Boundaries’ Opportunities Page. To apply for an opportunity, please register for the Talent Catalogue and then go back to the opportunities page to apply for a specific opportunity.  

Registration in Talent Beyond Boundaries’ online platform and TBB’s services are free of charge for all candidates.

Additional opportunities may also be found on country-specific websites:

Australia: Skilled Refugee Labour Agreement Pilot
Germany: Make it in Germany
United Kingdom: Displaced Talent Mobility Pilot