
1056 - National Helpline for Children SOS (The Smile of the Child)

Free, 24 hrs/day. There is a team of volunteer interpreters for Arabic and Farci languages and the helpline is connected to the European emergency phone number 112 as well as to the SAWA organization.

The main goal of the helpline is to protect and defend the rights of children.

It accepts reports on children – victims of abuse.

It interferes on site if they are in danger.

Psychological support for children and adolescents and consulting for parents and educators is provided.

Information and orientation on issues pertaining to children’s rights and protection.

Phone conversations are privileged and are NOT recorded.

The Helpline belongs to the International Network Telephone Lines (Child Helpline International).

Chat 1056 application

The Chat 1056 application constitutes an extension of the National HelpLine for Children SOS 1056. It is a new way of direct communication for children who more safe to communicate in writing.
Through the Chat 1056 application, children receive online counseling and support services. The Chat 1056 application introduces unique features, encouraging children to express themselves in a secure environment;

  • Designed exclusively for children
  • Free of charge and anonymous
  • Accessible and functional by any means
  • Operates on a 24/7 basis 365 days a year
  • Staffed by experienced Psychologists and Social Workers providing real-time help
  • Protects children providing total security during the conversation


For more information:

1107 - National Helpline for Child Protection

Free, 24hrs/day

Information available directly and consulting provided in emergencies, as well as psychological and social support on issues troubling children and adolescents or if they are in danger.

Link to the competent services, mobilization of emergency intervention mechanisms.

Parents receive information and consulting on issues regarding their children and their own parenting role.

It is part of the National Centre for Social Solidarity of the Ministry for Employment, Social Security and Welfare.

It was established in March 2012 and handles calls on any form of violence against children and adolescents. The 197 Immediate Social Help Hotline belongs to the network of services provided by the National Centre for Social Solidarity.

116111 - European Helpline for Children and Adolescents (The Smile of the Child)

Free, 24hrs/day. There is a team of volunteer interpreters for Arabic and Farci languages and the helpline is connected to the European emergency phone number 112 as well as to the SAWA organization.

A helpline providing advice and psychological support to children, adolescents, parents and teachers on any subject troubling them.

This number applies to all European countries!

The Helpline belongs to the International Network Telephone Lines (Child Helpline International).

8001180015 - ”SUPPORT” Helpline

Free, Monday through Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

The Unit for Adolescent Health of the B’ Paediatrics Clinic of the University of Athens, operates the SUPPORT Helpline 8001180015 of the Greek Awareness Centre Safer Internet, under the umbrella of the European Commission.

It concerns minors and their families.

It provides support and counselling on issues relating to the use of the internet, mobile phones, and electronic games (harassment, addiction, harmful material, paedophilia etc.)

11525 - Helpline “Together for Children” of the “Together for Children” Association

Local call charge, Monday through Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Counseling for children, adolescents, parents and teachers.

Free counselling supporting the mental health of children, regarding domestic violence issues and children with special needs.

8001132000 - Helpline for children, Ombudsman for Children

Free, Monday through Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

A helpline of the Ombudsman accepting calls by children and adolescents up to 18 years of age.

11188 - Subdivision of the Cyber Crime Unit (Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection)

Citizens may turn to the cyber crime unit to report criminal acts perpetrated online and for issues regarding the protection of minors, such as child pornography and seduction of minors via the internet etc.

Citizens are also referred to the 2106476464 helpline.

15107 National Emergency Response Mechanism (NERM) Hotline for unaccompanied children in precarious living conditions

CALL the NATIONAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE MECHANISM (NERM), Special Secretariat for the Protection of UAM (SSPUAM – Ministry of Migration and Asylum), for all unaccompanied children in precarious conditions.

The NERM Hotline (15107) assists in identifying and locating children in need that is available in 6 languages – (Arabic, Farsi, Dari, Urdu, Punjabi, Bengali) and in the following days and hours:

Monday – Friday 08:00 – 22:00

Saturday 11:00 – 19:00

Referrals for unaccompanied children being homeless or in precarious situations are received by the NERM team. Referrals can come from various sources, including state authorities, civil society organizations, healthcare facilities, and unaccompanied children themselves.

The Helpline and the Mobile Units in the field:

  • Ensure that children are never exposed to the dangers of abuse or exploitation in the streets.
  • Assist in finding and protecting unaccompanied minors that are homeless or in other precarious living conditions.
  • Provide urgent accommodation.
  • Facilitate immediate registration with the local authorities.
  • Provide psychological, legal, and medical support and interpretation.
  • Conduct the Best interest assessment.

10454 - ELIZA Helpline for cases of children being neglected and/or emotionally, physically or sexually abused (supported by Eliza Foundation)

The Helpline aims to protect children and support professionals who work with children who have been neglected and/or emotionally, physically or sexually abused by providing assistance through the following ways:

  • Guidance on the assessment of the incident
  • Encouragement to report the incident
  • Guidance on how to make a report​ on the incident
  • Psychological support
  • Advice on the different Protocols applicable to different cases, depending on the form of abuse


Additional information may be found on

116000 – European Hotline for Missing Children (The Smile of the Child national)

The Smile of the Child is the national operator for Greece of the 116000 European Hotline for Missing Children, providing free support to children who have disappeared and to their families.

Free, 24hrs/day. There is a team of volunteer interpreters for Arabic and Farsi languages and the helpline is connected to the European emergency phone number 112 as well as to the SAWA organization.

Reports and calls may be anonymous or not – assistance will be provided for cases of children that have gone missing (teenager escape, kidnapping, parental abduction, alarming disappearance) – The reports will be forwarded to the competent authorities.

The hotline 116000 is staffed exclusively by qualified social workers and psychologists and available nationwide, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Calls to the Hotline 116000, are free of charge from landline and mobile telephone, from telephone booth NO phone card is required, while the use of a prepaid card requires no available units.

The Hotline belongs to the International Network Telephone Lines (Child Helpline International).