Complementary Pathways

Complementary pathways are safe ways for refugees and asylum-seekers to enter and stay in a third country (a country other than the country of origin or the country where they have sought protection) where their international protection needs are met. Complementary pathways are distinct and additional to resettlement. Third countries establish their own criteria for complementary pathways and decide who will be admitted to their territories. 

UNHCR is available to help interested refugees through the complementary pathway process as much as possible.  In particular, UNHCR can support refugees with a letter confirming your status with UNHCR.  However, applications for these pathways are not made through UNHCR but through the system established by the specific pathway.  

Information on various pathways, the eligibility criteria, and the application process is available through the links below.  


Education pathways are higher educ...

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