Emergency and Advanced Health Care

Due to budget limitations, UNHCR is unable to financially support all emergency and advanced health issues faced by refugees and asylum seekers in Indonesia. UNHCR and partners have developed internal guidelines to determine which advanced medical treatments can be paid by UNHCR. 

Please note that UNHCR cannot reimburse any emergency or advanced medical treatment that was not approved before the care was provided.  Please consult with UNHCR’s partner – Yayasan Cita Wadah Swadaya (YCWS) through the Health Hotline before visiting the specialist or hospital to check if the treatment can be covered. 

Process to request emergency medical care – Greater Jakarta 

  1. Call the YCWS Health Hotline – 0811 8161 511.  
  1. Describe what happened and the condition of the individual who has the health concern to the YCWS Health Officer on the phone. 
  1. If the Health Officer determines that it is an emergency, the Officer will refer you to the Emergency Room of the nearest hospital and the hospital will be informed that you are coming. 
  1. If the Health Officer determines that it is not an emergency, your request will be recorded and submitted to the YCWS Helpdesk. You will be contacted by the Helpdesk the following Monday. 

Process to request emergency medical care – field locations 

  1. In case of an emergency, you should immediately proceed to the nearest hospital. Simultaneously, please contact the UNHCR staff in your respective locations to inform them about the situation. 
  1. UNHCR staff will establish contact with the hospital and the attending doctor to assess the severity and urgency of your condition. 
  1. If your condition is deemed to be an emergency, UNHCR staff will facilitate the necessary approval process from Jakarta for further assistance. 
  1. If the situation is determined not to be an emergency, you will be advised to either pay for the medical expenses out of pocket or visit a PUSKESMAS for appropriate care. 

Process to request advanced medical care – Greater Jakarta 

  1. First seek medical treatment from your nearest PUSKESMAS.  
  1. If the doctor determines that your health concern requires advanced treatment which is not available in PUSKESMAS, the doctor will write a referral letter for you.  The doctor will make this determination based on an assessment of your medical needs and not based on a request for a referral. A referral letter based on a patient’s own request will not be accepted. 
  1. If you obtain a referral letter, submit the letter via WhatsApp to the YCWS Health Hotline – 0811 8161 511
  1. Based on the information in the referral letter provided by the PUSKESMAS doctor, UNHCR and CWS will determine whether UNHCR can support the treatment costs. This assessment will follow the internal guidelines that have been established to determine whether financial support can be provided. 
  1. All requests received between Monday at 12:01 pm and Thursday at 12:00 pm will be responded to by Thursday before 5:00 pm. 
  1. All requests received between Thursday at 12:01 pm and Monday at 12:00 pm will be responded to by Monday before 5:00 pm. 
  1. Please note that if treatment is provided without prior authorization, the cost of such treatment will not be eligible for reimbursement. 

Process to request advanced medical care – field locations 

  1. First seek medical treatment from your nearest PUSKESMAS.  
  1. If the doctor determines that your health concern requires advanced treatment which is not available in PUSKESMAS, the doctor will write a referral letter for you.  The doctor will make this determination based on an assessment of your medical needs and not based on a request for a referral. A referral letter based on a patient’s own request will not be accepted. 
  1. If you obtain a referral letter, submit the letter to UNHCR staff in your respective locations. Contact us via WhatsApp to submit the documents.
  1. Based on the information in the referral letter provided by the PUSKESMAS doctor, UNHCR will determine whether UNHCR can support the treatment costs. This assessment will follow the internal guidelines that have been established to determine whether financial support can be provided. 
  1. Please note that if treatment is provided without prior authorization, the cost of such treatment will not be eligible for reimbursement.