Contact us

If you have questions about our work, want to report concerns, wish to receive general information on procedures in Belgium (which cannot be found on this help page) or think UNHCR may be able to assist in your or your family’s application for international protection or family reunification procedure in Belgium, you may reach us by any of the following means:

Choose which of the following applies to you:

➤ Do you have a question for UNHCR in Belgium and you were not able to find the answer on the different pages of this Help site? Did you verify that your question/query falls within UNHCR’s mandate in Belgium? If yes, click here to ask your question.

➤ You are currently in Belgium and prior to your arrival in Belgium, you were registered or recognized as a refugee (by UNHCR) in another country/camp. You would like to obtain a confirmation of this registration or status. If yes, click here to fill out the form.

If you wish to reach us by phone, please contact: +32 (0) 472 18 92 65, Tuesday from 9.30 to 12.30 and Thursday from 13.30 to 16.30.

Everything you tell UNHCR will be treated confidentially. All the services provided by UNHCR are free of charge.