At UNHCR, we work to identify and support associations led or co-led by refugees and stateless individuals, whose purpose is to assist forcibly displaced communities through initiatives that address challenges their founders have personally faced. We promote solutions for the protection and integration of refugees and stateless people, ensuring their inclusion in the design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of protection responses that take into account their needs and risks.
In this context, UNHCR strives to strengthen these associations as relevant protection actors, keeping them informed about international protection issues, involving them in dialogues on forced displacement, and providing financial and technical support for project implementation, among other measures.
Aligned with this mission, since 2022, UNHCR Spain has promoted the creation of Red-fugiadas, a national network of associations led and co-led by refugees and stateless individuals. This network, consisting of more than 60 associations across Spain led by and for people of diverse ages, genders, and groups, facilitates dialogue between its members and UNHCR through regular meetings, fosters networking, and combines efforts to achieve strategic objectives addressing the challenges, needs, and interests of refugees and stateless people in Spain.
If your association is led or co-led by refugees and/or stateless individuals and you wish to learn more about Red-fugiadas, contact Fernanda Espuga, UNHCR Spain’s Community-Based Protection Associate, at [email protected].