Report Fraud, Corruption, and Misconduct

Refugees, asylum seekers, and stateless persons have the right to express their opinions, concerns, or suggestions about UNHCR, its activities, or any member of its staff, as well as situations involving fraud, corruption, sexual exploitation or abuse (SEA), or other forms of misconduct by UNHCR staff or its partners in Spain.

How Can I File a Complaint or Suggestion in Spain?

The UNHCR Office in Spain offers several mechanisms to submit comments and/or complaints on these matters:

  • A dedicated email address for complaints and suggestions:
  • A physical complaint and suggestion box located at its offices in Madrid.
  • Complaint systems available through UNHCR partner entities, which will process such complaints/suggestions but must immediately inform UNHCR of all allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA).

How Are Complaints/Suggestions Processed in UNHCR Spain?

Review of Complaints and Suggestions

The UNHCR Office in Spain reviews the physical complaint box, located at its Madrid offices, and the email address for complaints ( weekly.

Complaints received through other UNHCR communication channels are forwarded to the UNHCR staff responsible for reviewing the complaints and suggestions boxes for appropriate handling.

People can submit their complaints anonymously or by identifying themselves.

Review and Response Procedure

  • Allegations of fraud, exploitation, and sexual abuse (SEA) are forwarded to the Anti-Fraud and SEA Focal Points of the UNHCR Office in Spain.
  • Complaints against the Representative or Senior Protection Officer are forwarded to the UNHCR Inspector General’s Office (IGO) and are not processed locally.
  • Complaints against UNHCR’s partner entities must be addressed by these partners, although UNHCR is informed of complaints about sexual exploitation or abuse (SEA).
  • General complaints or suggestions are responded to directly via email by UNHCR staff or referred to the appropriate colleagues or partners for resolution.
  • Complaints and suggestions are processed and responded to as quickly as possible based on their severity, and in any case within 3 weeks, depending on the seriousness of the matter.
  • Anonymous complaints are processed and recorded but are not responded to.

All complaints and suggestions are handled securely and confidentially, properly recorded, and periodically shared with the UNHCR Representative, except for those involving situations of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) or directed against the Representative themselves.


If someone offers to expedite your appointment or asylum procedure or promises you preferential access to social aid or other services/resources for asylum seekers or refugees in exchange for money, you may be at risk of falling victim to FRAUD.

The services provided by the Police, UNHCR, and NGOs are FREE OF CHARGE. The asylum procedure is free, including the appointment scheduling process.

If you choose to use paid professional services (such as legal firms or private attorneys), ensure they have a legal license and always request written information about the service’s content and price, along with an invoice.

If you believe you have been or are being a victim of fraud, you have the right to report it to the Police.

You can report fraud involving UNHCR staff or NGO partners via UNHCR’s email address or the physical complaint box at UNHCR’s central offices in Madrid, Spain.

Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by Humanitarian Workers

Sexual exploitation and abuse occur when humanitarian workers abuse their position of power, trust, or the vulnerable situation of refugees, asylum seekers, and stateless persons to obtain favors of a sexual nature.

These behaviors are prohibited. Find more information about your rights and how to report such incidents at this link.