As per the Law on International and Temporary Protection of Foreigners you are entitled to the state provided accommodation if you are in need of accommodation.
Where can I be accommodated?
If you applied for asylum, you will be entitled to accommodation in the reception center (Centre for Asylum in Spuz or in Bozaj). The accommodation in any of these facilities will be offered to you by the Ministry of Interior during the registration of asylum intention. You may decide to stay in a place of residence of your choice and to cover the accommodation and living costs. In that case, or if you leave the facility provided by the Government, you are required to notify the Directorate for Asylum of the place and address of residence, within three days after choosing or changing your place and address of residence.
If you are temporary protection holder and you have no means to provide the accommodation by yourself, you can apply for state provided accommodation before the Ministry of Interior, Directorate for Integration in Podgorica. If approved the accommodation will be offered in hotel Sato in Sutomore, Bar.
What does reception mean?
Reception includes the following: accommodation, food and clothing, provision of transportation – if transportation is required to participate in the procedure upon the application for international protection or enjoyment of other rights, as well as one-time financial support.
If you decide to find accommodation yourself, you will still be entitled to education, healthcare in the State institutions, one-time financial assistance as well as free legal aid.
Can the right to reception be restricted or can I be deprived of this Right?
The right to reception may be limited or denied if you:
a) are not staying in the Reception Centre you have been assigned to;
b) leave the Reception Centre for more than 24 hours without notification;
c) have the means to afford an adequate standard of living;
d) violates the rules of stay and house rules at the Reception Centre.
If your right to admission and accommodation is limited or denied, you will receive a decision made by the Ministry of Interior in writing. You have the right to file a lawsuit against that decision with the Administrative Court of Montenegro, within 8 days from the day the said decision has been delivered.