Important Contacts & Hotlines

Call: 📞 UNHCR Registration Hotline: 

0911633466 (Phone calls only)

0910019417/0916998581 (WhatsApp messages only)

(From Sunday to Thursday 08:30-16:30)

Call: 📞 UNHCR Protection Hotline: 0917127644

(From Sunday to Thursday 08:30-16:30)

Call: 📞 Tawasul Common Feedback Mechanism hotline: 1404

(From Sunday to Thursday 09:00-23:00)

Toll-free country-wide to obtain information on humanitarian programmes, voice complaints and provide feedback and get referrals to the humanitarian organizations that are best-suited to handle the reported issue.

Call: 📞 CESVI hotlines: 0910027716 OR 0922767166

(From Sunday to Thursday 09:00-17:00)

For mental health and psychosocial assistance, assistance in relation to gender-based violence, issues related to child protection, other protection service, cash assistance, and appointments for visiting the Community Day Centre.

Call: 📞 IRC for Health Assistance:

Medical emergency hotline: 📞 0910354839 (24/7 – Every day at any time)

Hotline for general consultations: 📞 0910347365 (From Sunday to Thursday 09:00-17:00)

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