International protection and special protection

What does it mean and who can apply for it?

In the case of submitting a request for international protection, the following protection options may be recognized: international protection (refugee status or subsidiary protection) or special protection:

1) refugee status: in case of well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion; 

2) subsidiary protection: for those facing a real risk of death penalty, torture or threat to life, or in case of an internal or international war in the country of origin;
3) special protection: for those who cannot be removed from the Italian territory, because of a risk of violation of their fundamental rights (in case of  risk of persecution, torture, or inhuman and degrading treatments; if repatriation constitutes a violation of constitutional or international obligations of the Italian State). 

Who can apply for international protection?

Stateless persons and non-EU nationals who are at the borders, border crossing points, transit zones, or in the national territory, regardless of when they entered and under what status (regularly, temporarily without a residence permit, etc.). 

What should you do?

The request must be submitted directly to the Provincial Headquarters of the Police (Questura). At this stage, you will need to go twice to the police headquarters. The first time is only to inform the authorities of your intention to apply for international protection, and the second time is to register your request and fill out a form called C3. This will be followed by an interview before the Territorial Commission, which will either approve your request for one of the forms of protection or reject it. 

In the meantime, you will be granted a residence permit for asylum seekers. 

Do you need a passport?

You do not need a passport or any other identity document to apply for international protection. You can submit a request and go to the territorial commission without any documents to tell your story and indicate why you asked for protection in Italy. 

Is it possible to file an appeal against a first negative decision?

Yes, you must file an appeal by contacting a lawyer, but you have the right to free legal assistance if you cannot afford to pay for this service.  

Appealing a refusal usually gives you the right to stay in Italy, pending a court decision. However, in some cases, in order to stay in Italy, your lawyer must make a special request to the judge dealing with the matter (for example, if you are in a repatriation detention center or if your application has been deemed manifestly unfounded by the Commission). 

How long does the residence permit last?

If refugee status is recognized, the residence permit is issued for a period of 5 years with the possibility of automatic renewal (without further procedures). 

If subsidiary protection is recognized, a residence permit is issued for a period of 5 years, with the possibility of renewal. 

If special protection is recognized, a residence permit is issued for a period of 2 years, with the possibility of renewal.

What are you entitled to?

Beneficiaries of international protection (refugee status and subsidiary protection) and beneficiaries of special protection are entitled to:
The right to education:  you can enroll in the closest school or in a chosen university;
The right to employment: 60 days after submitting an application for international protection; 

The right to register with the National Health Care System (it. SSN Sistema Sanitario Nazionale): from the moment of the request for temporary protection, you will be able to freely choose a family doctor and/or paediatrician. For this, you need to contact the territorial medical service (it. ASL – Azienda Sanitaria Locale), in the office where the selection and rejection of a doctor is carried out (it. “scelta e revoca del medico”);
The right to social benefits: Depending on the type of recognized protection (international or special protection), you may have access to different types of welfare benefits. 

Can you apply for family reunification?

If international protection (refugee status or subsidiary protection) is recognized, yes. 

If special protection is recognized, no.

Is it possible to convert the residence permit into a work permit?

If international protection (refugee status or subsidiary protection) is recognized, yes. 
If special protection is recognized, the conversion will not be possible for applications submitted from March 11, 2023 onwards. 

Are you entitled to a travel document?

If refugee status is recognized, yes. 

If subsidiary protection is recognized and the individual cannot approach the authorities of their country of origin, yes.  

If special protection is recognized, no, but there may be exceptions, namely: when there are subjective or objective reasons preventing the issuance of a passport by the country of origin (for example, a well-founded fear of coming into contact with the diplomatic mission of your country, the inability to provide the documents required by the Embassy for issuance passport, as well as the absence of a consular representation in Italy). 

Are you entitled to reception if you do not have the means to live?

Yes, in governmental facilities, reception centers established by Prefectures, or in the Reception and Integration System (SAI). ). If you need help with housing, contact the Provincial Headquarters of the Police (it. Questura) or the Prefecture of your place of residence (specifically the office called “Area IV”). 

Are you entitled to an economic allowance (€300) if you find housing on your own?


Is it possible to travel after obtaining the residence permit?

Yes, up to 90 consecutive days within the Schengen area. 

Can you return to your country of origin?

If international protection (refugee status or subsidiary protection) is recognized and you have visited your country of origin, after your return the Italian authorities (National Commission for Asylum) may start a procedure to find out the reasons and circumstances of your trip and to understand whether the return to your country of origin is connected with the end of the risky situation. In this case, the person may be invited to an interview to explain the reason for the trip, the means of travel and to provide any other information about the level of risk in the country of origin and about their life in Italy. 

If special protection is recognized, yes. 

If you don’t meet the criteria listed in this table, remember that in Italy there are various types of residence permits you might be eligible for. For instance, there are permits for medical treatment, for family reasons, for unaccompanied children (below 18), for individuals subjected to severe exploitation or violence, for people from areas affected by major natural disasters, and many more.

For additional information, help and support: 

UNHCR Italy – Help for Refugees and Asylum-seekers 

ARCI – JUMA MAP: Services for Refugees 

ARCI – Helpline for asylum seekers and refugees
+39 3511376335 (Whatsapp and Lycamobile) 
[email protected] 

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