Afghanistan Situation

Can UNHCR help me or relatives leave Afghanistan?

UNHCR is unable to assist Afghans inside Afghanistan leave the country.

Please refer to the UNHCR HELP page for Afghanistan. On this page, UNHCR has provided links to evacuation/relocation programs that have been announced for Afghans by States.

I have heard about evacuation missions set up by Belgian authorities. Can UNHCR help me access these?

UNHCR has no role in these evacuation missions and does not process applications.

The Belgian authorities announced on 25 August 2021 that evacuation operations from Kabul airport would be interrupted as of 26 August 2021 due to security threats. Belgium continues to work with its partners to find a solution for Belgians and beneficiaries in Afghanistan.

People wishing to be evacuated to Belgium or their relatives can find more information on the website of the Belgian embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan.