Emergency contacts

Find the contact information of trusted institutions and organizations which may offer emergency support.

General emergency

If you need emergency support from health services, the police or fire-fighters, call the general emergency number available 24 hours, for free:


If you have a hearing disability, you can instead download an application MAI112 and communicate through chat or video call, assisted by a sign language interpreter (trained in Portuguese sign language and international sign language). Visit the APP MAI112 PARA CIDADÃOS SURDOS website to learn more about the app and download it.

Social emergency

If you are experiencing domestic violence, you do not have accommodation, you are a child and you do not have anyone that could help you, or you are experiencing any other situation of lack of social protection, you can contact the following number where you will be further referred for support and services. Call the social emergency number, available 24 hours, for free:


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