Click on the service below and find information on how to access it and key contacts.
Governmental integration services
Agency for Migration and Asylum (AIMA): AIMA is a public institution working with migrants, refugees, and ethnic groups in Portugal.
Visit AIMA’s website for more information.
The ‘Loja AIMA’ are information and assistance points designed to provide guidance and referrals at a single desk. They act as an interface between refugees, migrants, and various public and private entities, particularly within the scope of welcoming and integrating migrants.
Visit this website to find information on the location of Loja AIMA points throughout the country.
- Contact center is a hotline managed by AIMA, providing information to queries related to rights and services and appointments:
- Call
217 115 000
- Call
18-month support programme
If you are a refugee or an asylum seeker and you came to Portugal through resettlement, relocation, or a humanitarian admission programme, you will receive individual support for 18 months counting from the day of your arrival. This support will be provided by a specific host institution which may be an NGO, a municipality or other institution (private, educational, faith-based, etc). This institution will provide you with housing, pocket-money, and will support you with settling into the community and accessing services such as education, language training, labour market, opening a bank account, etc, during the 18-month programme.
If you have any doubts, need help or information, contact the focal point assigned to you in your host institution. They will be best placed to provide you with information and support.
If, for some reason, you are unable or unwilling to contact your host institution for support, you can contact the Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum (AIMA), an institution that coordinates and monitors the integration of refugees in Portugal:
- Department of Integration of Migrants, reception of refuges and asylum seekers section:
- E-mail
[email protected]
- E-mail
If, at the end of the 18 month support programme, you have been unable to become self sufficient economically, you will be referred to the Social Security Institute that will analyse your case and provide further support whenever necessary and possible.
Non-governmental organizations providing support to refugees and asylum seekers
- Portuguese Refugee Council (CPR): CPR is a non-governmental organisation that provides free social, legal and integration support to refugees and asylum seekers in Portugal
- E-mail 📧 [email protected]
- Call 📞(+351) 21 831 43 72
- Visit the Portuguese Refugee Council’s website for more information.
- Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS): JRS is an non-governmental organisation providing support and services to migrants and refugees.
- E-mail
[email protected]
- Call 📞+351 217 552 790
- Visit the Jesuit Refugee Service’s website for more information.
- E-mail
- CRESCER: Crescer is an association providing services and support for individuals and communities, including refugees and asylum seekers.
- E-mail
[email protected]
- Call 📞 +351 213 620 192
- Visit Crescer’s website for more information
- E-mail
- Renovar a Mouraria: Renovar a Mouraria is an organization, providing support to the local community, including refugees, asylum seekers and migrants.
- E-mail
+[email protected]
- Call 📞 +351 218 885 203 or +351 922 191 892
- Visit Renovar a Mouraria’s website for more information
- E-mail
- The Lisbon Project: The Lisbon Project is an NGO providing services and support for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers.
- To get services and support, visit their website, fill in the form and you will be contacted.
- For more information on available services, visit this website.