Your rights and obligations as an asylum-seeker

What rights do I have in Montenegro?

You will be entitled to:

  • Stay in Montenegro;
  • Freedom of movement within Montenegro;
  • Reception;
  • Healthcare;
  • Primary and secondary education;
  • Information necessary for your stay and legal counselling in reference to the procedure upon your application for international protection and free legal assistance;
  • Free legal aid;
  • Work, nine months after lodging the application
  • Documents in accordance with this Law;
  • Family unity.

What are my obligations in Montenegro?

You will be required to:

  • Comply with the Constitution, laws and other regulations of Montenegro;
  • Cooperate with the state authorities of Montenegro and act upon their orders and instructions;
  • Provide the information necessary for establishing the identity and facilitate the taking of photographs and fingerprints, as well as other checks needed to determine identity;
  • Undergo a medical examination;
  • Comply with the rules of stay and the house rules of the Reception Centre;
  • Lodge an application for international protection within the set timeframe
  • Respond to the invitation of the Directorate for Asylum for a personal interview and cooperate in the procedure for granting international protection;
  • Remain within the territory of Montenegro during the course of the procedure for granting international protection;
  • Notify the Ministry of any change of address within three days; and
  • Comply with the Ministry’s orders and measures on the restriction of freedom of movement.