The Headcount exercise for registration of the “undocumented Afghans” is extended another week for the last time until 30 June 2022

For the attention of undocumented Afghans who have not yet participated in the Headcount:

Due to contacts and approaches of many undocumented Afghans to extend the deadline for Headcount and identification exercise, please be informed that Headcount exercise is extended for a week for last time until 30 June 2022. Deadline will not be extended again.

Undocumented Afghan nationals” who have not yet participated in the Headcount should approach Pishkhan centres/Kefalat offices directly and there is no need to make prior appointments. As the deadline will not extend anymore, please take this opportunity and participate in the Headcount exercise.

UNHCR Iran highly encourages undocumented Afghans to participate in the mentioned exercise.