My rights and obligations as an Asylum Seeker

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Applying for asylum in Greece is a process that consists of a series of steps. Refer to the Legal Information page on this site.

As an asylum seeker you have rights and obligations that are defined below.

No matter where you are in the process, you always have the following rights and obligations:

  • You have the right to receive information about your asylum application, rights and duties in a language you understand.
  • You have the right to access basic assistance including shelter, food, legal, medical and psychosocial assistance from UNHCR and other organizations.
  • You are obliged to cooperate fully with the Greek authorities.

As soon as you have your asylum seeker card, you have certain rights and obligations:

  • You can legally live in Greece until the asylum service has made a final decision on your asylum case. This means you cannot be returned to another country against your will, while you wait for the decision.
  • Children can go to school.
  • While in possession of your pre-registration card, you can move freely within Greece, but you are NOT allowed to go to another country.
  • The Greek State will provide you with a place to live in a site. You will not have to pay any rent there. You cannot choose which site the State offers you. You do not have to live there, if you do not want to.
  • You can get access to primary health care, but for some advanced services you may have to pay a minimal fee.
  • While you are pre-registered you do NOT have the right to work in Greece. After you are fully registered you have the right to work in Greece. If you work, you will have to pay national taxes.
  • You must respect and follow the law of the country.
  • You must cooperate with the authorities who are examining your application.
  • You must tell the asylum office every time your email address or phone number changes.